13 // The Astronomers in Turtlenecks, Part 2

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The ceiling in the observatory was dotted with stars. You searched for constellations, simply in awe of the beauty of the dimly lit room. Even though there were a bunch of wolf mutes that were going to eat you if you stepped out of line.

Kipo gasped. "What's up, Orion? Hey there, Lil Dip! What's happenin', Big Dipper?!" You giggled quietly at her exuberance as she threw her arms up, as if she was trying to touch the stars on the domed ceiling. 

Wolf was walking next to you with a grouchy face. Clearly, she wasn't thrilled about the situation at hand, a total 180 from Kipo's carefree, calm behavior.

"Hey look!! There's my sign, Aries!" Kipo pointed up at the ceiling. You outlined the horns of the ram with one of your fingers, as Mand- Bone Ripper's wife was in your other hand. "Hey, W- Jolene! Remember when we saw the real Aries the first night we met?" That was strange. She didn't mention you. You shrugged it off. She elbowed Wolf's shoulder. "So in that way, it's kinda our sign." She said smugly.

"Newton Wolves!! Time for dinner!"

The wolves all neatly unfolded their napkins, taking a seat in the many chairs that lined the table. You noticed that the wolves were only sitting on the right side of the table. 

Good Billions gestured to the left side. "Your pack may be seated." Such civilized wolves. Unlike your "pack", who rushed to find a seat. Yay, musical chairs. Due to your "job" in the pack, you sat next to Bone Ripper, who was at the head of the table. You placed Mandu in your lap, and she neatly put her hands on the table. You were sitting across from Kipo, who was whispering something to Jolene, who had been eternally silent the whole time.

The doors suddenly swung open, and the aroma of steak floated through the air of the room. Everyone was hungry, and needed food.

"Ooh, yes! Beep-boop- I'm starving." Robot-Benson said. At least he was remaining in character.

"For our guests, our finest fillets." Said the wolves, as a plate of steak was passed to everyone; everyone except you and Benson.

"And for the robot, soup du oil." Benson quickly turned depressed as the gross-looking soup was placed in front of him. You grimaced at the odd soup, which had random bolts stuck all in it. Wouldn't that be cannibalism? "Apologies if this isn't optimal for your hardware. We still have much to learn about robotics.

Benson "beep-boop"ed sadly.

"And for the maid.. er, we consider it improper for the servants to dine with their owners. The hierarchy of the pack is very important." You pursed your lips, your stomach growling. You. Needed. Food. Now. You. Would. Starve. 

You tried to push your hunger down as you eyed Mandu's steak. "Here," you said, grabbing a knife (and trying not to go berserk because of hunger). You neatly cut Mandu's steak. "Now it'll be easier to eat." Mandu squealed in gratitude, before chomping down on the meat. You nearly cried.

You saw Benson trying to grab a piece of Bone Ripper's steak, but your alpha quickly swatted his hand away. You gave him an understanding look, before your attention was drawn to the wolves.

"Tonight, we are joined by a pack that shares our love of the cosmos." Said Good Billions, holding out a hand.

"And if they can illuminate us with some knowledge of their own, perhaps they'll be invited to our dessert hunt at moonrise." Yup. Gonna go find some mousse in the bushes. Cake in the trees. Yum.

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