22 - Mute Eat Mute World, Part 2

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Kipo threw open the lid of the sewer, and you were all finally out. Jamack gasped for air as you hopped off of him. He had literally been carrying two teenage humans and a bug. What a workout.

"Phew!" Kipo exclaimed. She paused. "So.. what happens now?" A sliver of a hopeful grin appeared on her face.

Jamack held a vacant smile, as if he already knew the answer, which was kind of suspicious.

"Now, I hand you to Scarlemagne, attain the power I so rightly deserve, and get revenge on anyone who's ever wronged me."

You blinked.

"Seriously!? After all that?" Kipo threw her hands in the air in discontent. "I was hoping you'd say, NOW WE TURN AROUND, FIND WOLF, AND CONVINCE HER TO LET YOU BRAID HER HAIR." You almost laughed at her impression of Jamack, but you were on the verge of freaking dissecting a frog.

A Dubstep Bee stopped you, though. It flew towards Jamack, flying around in his face. He scowled, and started complaining at it, waving in the air, trying to swat it.

"You didn't seriously think we were becoming friends, did you- OW! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He screeched at the bee. 

"Come on, get him between the eyes. Right between the eyes." You silently whispered to the bee.

"I was hoping we were.. but now it means I have to do this!!" She was about to push Jamack back into the hole, but you turned to her.

"May I do the honors?" You asked.

"Go ahead." She grinned.

You shoved him into the hole, sticking out your tongue at him as you put the sewer lid back on. "Got what he deserved," you muttered angrily, before turning to Kipo.

"Now we have to find Wolf." You both said in unison.

Your face went red. You'd said the same thing at the same time.

"That was so cool!" Kipo exclaimed in awe, stars in her eyes. She quickly got over it, unlike you, and grabbed your hand, as well as Dave's, beginning to run.

She's holding my hand she's holding my hand she's holding my hand she's holding-

Your inside squealing was immediately cut off as Kipo ripped off one half of Dave, instead of taking the whole Dave. You grimaced.

"Ew, so gross." You clenched your teeth, wincing.

"Aw, man!" Dave yelled. "Wait up!"

You kept running with Kipo, your eyes peeled for any sign of a girl clothed in blue wolfskin. You didn't see much, but you did get a ton of leaves in your mouth at one point. Which you quickly spat out.

Kipo was panting. "See anything?" She swiftly asked.

"Nope!" You yelled back.


"Was that.. a bunch of wolves?" You asked, your anxiousness increasing tenfold.

Kipo stopped.

"Oh, no."


You were running as fast as your legs could carry you, Kipo by your side. You and her spotted the faint outline of.. Benson, Mandu, and Wolf. And the bad news was..

They were completely surrounded. 

By the Newton Wolves.

You growled, and sped up. When you made it near the pack of wolves, you jumped and kicked both of them in the back. They contorted their bodies back in pain on reflex. However, you landed on your rear, right next to Wolf.

Pink Flurry [Kipo Oak] (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)Where stories live. Discover now