19 - Twin Beaks

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wooh okay wow

another fUN chapter yAY

light-heartedddddddd hahahahahahhahahhahahaaahaha

laughs in poorly written emotional moments

o shoot season 2

how do i write emotion?????????????????????? it would be rude to say i want to make you cry but like

that means it's good

pls dont cry though, ily <3

im going off on a tangent

enjoy (maybe)


You were slightly parched from the trip. You hadn't had water in a while, for obvious reasons. And the baking sun and bright colors of the town you were walking through didn't help much. Like, at all.

"Hmm.. according to this map, my dad wants us to head to a giant nose." Kipo, who still had her birthday sleeve on said. Normally you would've replied in a spunky behavior with "you are not INTERPRETING the abstract art enough", but you were lagging behind. Benson was next to you, and adorable, tubby little Mandu was happily stepping beside you.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay? Ever since Mulholland, you've been acting kinda weird." You suddenly looked up, blinking at Benson. 

"Oh, haha. Yeah.. I'm.. fine." He raised an eyebrow, and shrugged it off, but you knew that he was analyzing you in a curious way. In reality, you weren't fine. You'd distanced yourself from Kipo as much as you could in hopes that the weird feeling would go away; maybe it was a sickness? You just needed rest? Something you hadn't received for a while. You deserved a little R&R, right? And when you were done, you'd feel so much better, and you could get back to cracking dumb jokes with Kipo. And you'd be able to stand in a 6-foot radius of her without freaking out.

Benson had been distracted by Dave, who was excitedly talking to him about their dream. At least, that's what you assumed, because they were talking about people cheering for them, and rainbow lights. You hadn't seen any rainbow lights, save for the many encounters with Dubstep Bees. And people cheering? Maybe mutes when you were about to die. What a sad world you lived in.

At least they'd had a good time in their dreams.

Maybe you were just being self-absorbed. You'd been having an okay- wait- pretty good dream, before those last few minutes completely turned upside-down.

She tried to kiss you.

At least, that's what you think she was trying to do.

You hadn't even thought about if she was trying to do something else. Kissing only seemed like the plausible answer; oh god, now you felt dumb.

Maybe you were... in.. l-?

No. You couldn't be.

She was your best friend. Nothing more. And you didn't want to ruin that. At all.

You heard the loud fluttering of wings up ahead, and gasped when you spotted three multi-colored hummingbirds flying above. Hummingbombers.

"Everyone! TAKE COVER!" Yelled Wolf. You sprinted over to Wolf, who was with Kipo, and jumped into a car with them. Mandu squealed and ducked in the space in between the seats in the back and front. You jumped into the passenger's seat, and.. Wolf was in the driver's seat.

Pink Flurry [Kipo Oak] (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)Where stories live. Discover now