8 // Real Cats Wear Plaid

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i know i say all these things; thank you so much for your support, etc, but i really mean it. life is getting a bit tough, and you guys brighten my day so much. thank you. :)

most episodes are in two-parters i guess

is a bit of a long chap- but i knew where i was going to end it

it might seem rushed.. but i was having so much fun writing..


"Uh, guys? More mutes." Said Kipo. 

Your jealousy had cooled a LOT, but you knew it was still nestled in there. Wolf definitely made you feel more reassured, though.

"Are these ones friendly or unfriendly?"

"Yeah, well, let's see. There's a ton of them. They all have axes.. what's your guess?" You asked.

She nodded nervously.

"Unfriendly. Got it."

There was a small moment of silence, before the cats finally acted.

And you know what they said?


Countless cats in plaid shirts ran down the debris of the burrow. It was kinda cute, but also terrifying. That was the surface for you.

"Oh, man! Oh, man! Those are Timbercats!" Yelled Dave. "Cats eat bugs!"

"Well if you scream like that, sure." You sarcastically replied, before snorting. You were the funniest.

Kipo, with her quick thinking, immediately thought.

"Dave, your wings! Fly us outta here!"

"Oh yeah!" You face palmed, before giggling. And then you were all yoinked up by Dave. He attempted to fly you all up, but he was pretty weak.. and then..


"Oh my gosh, not now-" You all fell down to the ground. Surprise surprise, you became a pillow for everyone to land on, once again. It was your thing now.

"My.. back.." You croaked out, gasping for air. Everyone quickly got off of you, and you stood up, rubbing your back, which was in immense pain. "Yup- I'm fine-"

"Sorry, (Y/N)." Benson said sheepishly, while holding baby Dave (again??!). "Dave's got a little bit of, uh.. performance anxiety issues."

"I can tell," you muttered.

You all stared at the Timbercats, who were quickly running towards you all with a combination of screams and meows.

"Lesson seven of the surface," Wolf started. Oh, boy. "Know when to run!!" 

You all bolted out of the way, and jumped behind a bunch of rocks that had formed a wall.

Kipo peered out of the rocks at the plethora of cats. 

"Kipo! They might see you!" You whisper-yelled at her. She looked back at you, and shrugged nervously. You groaned.

You could hear the cats conversing.

"The footprints led right here!"

"The monster's got to be here somewhere. Keep looking!" You heard the clanking of axes against the rocks.

"Monster?" You whispered to Wolf. "It doesn't seem like they're talking about us."

Wolf nodded silently, a cautious glare present on her face.

Pink Flurry [Kipo Oak] (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)Where stories live. Discover now