34 // Fun Gus, Part 2

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again, lo siento for not updating <3 ily all sm

heads up: when season 3 starts im most definitely making everyone older: i think i'll make you and kipo 15 because it feels like 13 y/o is a little young. just me using the magic of plot convenience

also was kinda drunk-tired when writing this so uh-


Shifting into her half-jaguar form, Kipo clawed open the door, and it fell without hesitation. Cheering, you all walked inside.

Eh.. it wasn't much different from the outside. Fungus covered the entire place. But you could see a kitchen peeking out from amongst the mess, along with a couch and a bed. It looked cozy.

"This is where my parents lived." Kipo said breathlessly, and she spun around, trying to take in every single nook, cranny, and corner. She wanted to hold onto it while she could.

Dave clutched the broken handle of a broom in two of his claws. "You know what else lived here? A ghost! And it hates cleaning!"

You snorted, on the brink of dropkicking him into last week.

"Yup. Ghosts.. notoriously messy.." Benson snickered.

Wolf cupped a hand over her mouth so Dave couldn't see what she was saying.

"You weren't kidding about that paranoid thing."

Walking over to Kipo, you noticed that she was sprawled over the bed, a huge grin displayed on her face. No matter how many times you watched her smile, it never grew old.

Not paying attention to the fact that Dave had run off like a coward, you plopped yourself on the bed too.

"Your parents did everything here." You said, smiling as you patted the bed. It was surprisingly bouncy.

"THEY TOTALLY BOUNCED ON THIS!!!" Kipo yelled, faceplanting onto the bed. She giggled with her face in the mattress.

"Yeah, and I bet they stabbed food with these knives!" Wolf smiled, examining a sharp knife.

You laughed at her. Oh, Wolf! You're so adorable when your murderous tendencies come into play.

"Oh, I can just imagine it!" Kipo bounced around the room. Man, she had endless energy. She put a towel over her shoulder, and spoke in a deep voice. "Song, dinner's ready!"

Running to the couch, she sat down and mimicked her mom.. or at least what she thought her mom would be like. "Coming Lio! I'm almost finished doing math for fun!"

She switched to her father's voice. Well, at least her impression of her father's voice. "You're always doing math for fun!"


You held up a hand. "I object."

She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I bet this was yours." Benson said to Kipo, holding up a blue and red baby onesie. You weren't used to seeing Kipo in red. Imagining a baby Kipo was kind of adorable, though. Benson tossed the onesie to Kipo.

"Awww, it's so little! I can't believe I was ever this small!" She pondered, before frowning. "Hmm.. not getting that anchor type of feeling the goats told me about. But I'm keeping it."

"Benson." You said. He whirled around to look at you.


Your expression turned dark and you smiled evilly.

Pink Flurry [Kipo Oak] (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora