2 // Sisters, in a way

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No KipO yET, SoRRryyyYY

We still in the introductiooon

Warning: If you haven't already noticed, I use parentheses excessively.

me realizing the name (y/n) has only been said once: ah heck

me realizing that kipo was only mentioned in one chapter for a short period of time and that you're supposed to be friends: ah heck x2


"So, you're positive you don't have a name?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Don't really care. There's no reason to have one."

"Ah, well, okay. I'm (Y/N). I can't believe I didn't introduce myself earlier." You 'tsk tsk'ed at yourself.

You didn't really have anything to carry items in, and you refused to go back for the trash bags in that clothing store. So you had to make use of things quickly. You couldn't believe that your new "friend" was always holding that Deathstalker, but it was to be expected, as she was an expert on the surface..

"So, where are we going?" You asked.

"Nowhere in particular. Didn't you want to survive?" Yeesh. She was still pretty rough around the edges, but you'd crack her walls. Someday. Maybe. You had to act like Kipo, right? She easily made friends. You were a bit jealous. As you recalled, it was her who'd approached you first. You smiled softly at the thought of her and your burrow, before quickly pushing them aside. You were living on the surface now, and you weren't sure if you'd ever see either of them again. Your smile quickly turned into a frown. The wolfskin-clothed girl beside you seemed to notice your change in attitude.

"Tell me about your burrow." Wow! She was starting a conversation! Amazing! You'd never seen her like this before!

"Umm.. okay. It's not that interesting, but I'd rather live there than up here. No offense." She was silent, but listening. "It's simple. We go to school, sleep comfortably, eat well, well, the first one usually isn't a good thing. I have a few.. um.. one friend."

Realizing how sad that sounded, you quickly looked at her to see if she was laughing. Luckily, she wasn't. She'd stopped.

"What is it-"


You blinked, and your arm was grabbed, although luckily by her. You were pulled behind a tall bush, and both of you crouched down.

"Mod Frogs. Best not to get involved with them."

"Wow, you're scared of something for once? I'm seeing a whole new person." She glared at you, threatening to attack you with her Deathstalker tail. Threatening as in: hold it to your throat. This girl was going to be the death of you; literally.

You heard a few voices from behind the bush. 

"There's nothing around here but Dubstep bees and mega bunnies. This place is useless."

Your eyes sparkled. 

"Whoa, what are Du-" Too loud.

The girl smacked her forehead, grabbed you, and prepared to run.

"Did you hear something?"

Pink Flurry [Kipo Oak] (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)Where stories live. Discover now