6 // Explosion Berries

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most episodes are going to be in parts, unless i can squeeze em into one

srry for not updating, life sucks rn

as always, thank you for reading, dear reader. ily <3 Make sure that you're eating full and healthy meals every day, drinking water and staying hydrated, and try to keep yourself happy. I care about youuu!!


and now my space key is broken hhhh i have to hold my computer in a certain way

update: computer is now epic! that's pretty much why i wasn't able to update, aside from the other reasons


The crying of the bug mute had not ceased. 

Kipo held the mute in her arms, and made funny faces and blew raspberries at the baby. You kept flickering your eyes from her to the door. Your conflicted jealousy had not stopped, but you pushed it down for the moment. You had more important things to worry about.

Mandu started to squeal. Her firm biting on the door was starting to weaken.

"(Y/N), Wolf! The lock!" Kipo whisper-yelled. You nodded. Exactly why you had to shrug the jealousy off. Survival was more important.

You held the doorknob, and Wolf pushed her body against the door. A smile appeared on your face as Wolf nodded in approval to you.

The doorknob kept jiggling. Anxiousness crept its way into you, and your stomach was doing flips. Your breathing was shallow and quiet, for you feared that you'd alert the people outside.

All of a sudden, a tongue slithered under the door. Ew, how many germs was it catching? Who knew what that floor had experienced?

Out of disgust, you retracted your hand, giving (what you assumed was) the frogs a chance to unlock the door.

However, it seemed that fate had smiled upon you.

You almost started crying in joy when you heard a "DAVE, I'M HOME!", but then you realized that it could be another human, and that they were endangered.

"A hum- euGHH-" The Mod Frog from before (before before, you realized. Those other Mod Frogs were there earlier too..), Jamack, had apparently done something dumb with his tongue. Wolf covered your mouth, because clearly she knew you were gonna start laughing.

"A human?!" Asked Jamack, now composed.

The voice sounded like it belonged to a boy. "I am so glad you frogs are here. You've gotta help me," said the boy. "I fell into this whole bush of, uh, uh, explosion berries!"

All four of you stacked (From top to bottom: Kipo, Mandu, Wolf, and you) to see outside the small crevice free from the door, you slightly being crushed under the weight of everyone. And you were correct, because it was a boy. And what were explosion berries? You hadn't heard of such a thing. 

Clearly, Jamack was thinking your thoughts (to your dismay), because he said what you were thinking. "Hm. Explosion berries? I guess that could be a thing. I can't remember.." Except dumber. You stuck your tongue out at the frog, protected only by the safety of a door.

Pink Flurry [Kipo Oak] (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)Where stories live. Discover now