17 // Mulholland, Part 2

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can i just say i love yall so much

yall deserve so much love <333333


You were running through the streets of the burrow, your shoes making loud tapping noises against the floor. While you were holding her hand, you noticed that Kipo was wearing her old burrow outfit; did that mean Wolf and the others received new outfits too? Cool beans.

When you looked down at yourself, you found that you were also wearing your old burrow outfit. Huh. You'd left it behind at that clothing store when you went "shopping" with Wolf. Weird. You didn't think too much of it.

"Kipo.. can.. we.. please.. slow.. down?" You had to pause in between breaths. Kipo was quick on her feet. She giggled, before slowing down. Eugh, your palms were probably all sweaty. How was Kipo still holding on?

"Sorry, I'm just so excited to get to their house!! We did a bit of decorating. And by a bit.." She looked away, nervously sweating. "We may have gone overboard. So don't freak out if you find glitter in the couch."

"You mean, you went overboard?" You laughed.

She jabbed your hip, sticking out her tongue. "No, as a matter of fact, it was Dave who had the idea." You smiled anyway. Her behavior was so.. contagious. It made you want to be a good person too. Kipo had that aura. She changed people.

You two resumed your walk in a comfortable silence. You didn't need words to understand how one another was feeling. 

Brushing a stray hair out of your face, you looked up, seeing a door. It was wooden, and there was a paper sign taped to it, with writing in red crayon.

"Stay.. out?" You asked. Those were only two words out of many. The rest read: Or else u will come and face tha rath of my red friend. The spelling errors made it less scarier, but you could feel the menacing aura of the sign. "Kipo, are you sure we should go inside?"

Kipo snorted. "Pssh, we're practically the only people allowed in here. Well, excluding Dave, Benson, Mandu, and Wolf." She counted the names on her fingers. "It's totally okay! Come on."

Your lips formed a thin line when you heard loud sounds inside.

It sounded like stuff was breaking, and you heard a lot of yelling. It seemed Dave and Wolf were at each others' throats.. again. In the midst of it, you could also hear Benson trying to calm down. 

Kipo chuckled uneasily. "I'm sure they're okay..?" She phrased it like a question. Like a gosh dang question.

You sighed. "Let's do this."


pov switch


"Okay, welcome home then! I'll give you the tour," Kipo said. She couldn't stop herself from grinning ear-to-ear. Her mom was back, and now she was with her two other favorite people. All together in one room. She thought she would've felt awkward, because she didn't exactly remember her mom, but surprisingly (yet it was good), she wasn't. She turned around on the bar stool. "This is the.. kitchen, which, you already knew." She jumped down from the chair.

Kipo eagerly rushed around the room, her eyes flickering from object to object, deciding if one was worth sharing.

"Oh, and, Dad and I were just making this telescope," she said, grabbing the telescope and putting it on her eye. She was taken aback when she saw (Y/N)'s (E/C) eye. Oof, jump scare. The girl awkwardly stood next to Kipo. Kipo silently laughed at how nervous she was. New person in the family!

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