21 - Mute Eat Mute World

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WOW! We're already past 20 :) That's amazing

Congrats to you for getting this far, haha. I promise that it's more  rr r r r rrr o m a n t i c in the future so uh



have a nice day/night

or else

ps: wolfy needs a hug, pls hug her


Jamack had the audacity to kidnap you two; three, counting Dave. You were much less than thrilled as you sat with your hands bound together with rope. If you had the ability to wriggle out of the knots, you'd certainly do it in a heartbeat, and shove Jamack off of the dragonfly you were all riding on. Your face was permanently stuck in a scowl. 

Kipo was miserably flailing around, trying to wrangle free of the rope that held her hands together. You had tried to find the opportunity to headbutt Jamack, but the dragonfly kept taking a bunch of sharp turns.

"Let us go!!" Kipo yelled, still moving around. "This is not a good time to get kidnapped!" A strand of hair accidentally flew into your mouth, and you spat it out, unentertained. When was it ever a good time to get kidnapped, KIPO?

Jamack scoffed, the wind making his cut tie fly backwards. "Oh, sorry about that. Hop off anywhere you like." He said. You growled at his snarky attitude. You were positive that he could feel the rage radiating off of you.

"LET US OFF, FROG!" You spat loudly, even surprising yourself with your own anger. "MY SISTER IS DOWN THERE, HURT. I NEED TO GET TO HER." 

Jamack laughed. "Sister? Don't worry too much about it, you'll reunite with her once Scarlemagne receives all the humans from your burrow for his army. Then she'll be easy to conquer." What? You furrowed your eyebrows, a scared feeling rising up in your stomach. This wasn't going anywhere good.

"Army..?" Kipo quietly asked.

"Of course, he's gonna take all the humans from your burrow, turn them into his soldiers, and conquer the surface. That's why I kidnapped you; so I can hand you in and be the second most-powerful mute in the city. Gee, you're really not that bright, are you?"

You strained, not giving up on the attempts to break free of the rope. You were just about ready to murder Jamack. No way were you going to let Scarlemagne take hold of your sister. Or Kipo, nonetheless. Or any of your other friends.

"My friend here is very bright," you retorted, completely forgetting about your feelings towards Kipo. The adrenaline was bigger. "Unlike your future, once I kick you off of this thing."

Jamack looked at you, before rolling his eyes. Ironically, the dragonfly looped upside down. You tightened your legs to make sure you wouldn't fall off. "Are all humans this dumb?"

You gritted your teeth. "I will kill you." Your voice was incredibly malicious. 

"Polaris?" Asked Kipo. She sounded a little scared at your tone. You exhaled, looking back at her.


"You don't mean that, right?" She laughed nervously.

"What do you mean?"

"Y-You're not actually gonna kill Jamack, right?" You exhaled. She was right. You were just stuck in the heat of the moment.

You paused, before softening your eyes at her and smiling just a tad. Only a tad, though.

Pink Flurry [Kipo Oak] (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)Where stories live. Discover now