10 // Cactustown

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eeek im so excited to write season 2!!!!!!!

sorry for not updating

jsakjdkajsd i love you guys so much you are amazing

edit, i edited this yesterday to say it, but idk if people are gonna go to burrow girl and read the notice lol: When I began to write the actual show, I understood that a lot of people were confused about you forgetting Kipo, but it's because it'd been like a year, and you had so much other stuff to focus on, and it feels like your burrow life didn't really matter. You had to focus on being able to get by for the night and not dying. But don't worry! I have it all planned out C;

notice: the ending of the chapter is a little rocky. sorry, was tired when i wrote it

so sorry! i made a writing error a while ago AND in the last chapter, but i hope you realized what was happening in the last chapter when the memory was shown!!

this format is for like.. the past: dreams, memories, etc. stuff like that! (bad explanation but hopefully you get it)


Kipo sat, reading a book. Specifically, a book about the universe! Which was great for her, since she was a sucker for space.

"Dad, did you know the Milky Way is the reason we have the word galaxy?" She asked. "The ancient Greeks looked up, they saw a milky thing in the sky, and they called it galactos."

Lio, her dad, chuckled. "I did. I wrote that book." He was making food, and a pleasant aroma wafted through the housing unit of the burrow.

"Eh, it's alright," Kipo nonchalantly replied, although she really did love that book. Sometimes reading about space and things helped her distract herself from.. well..

"Well, the blurb on the back calls it 'brilliant and insightful'," Lio replied, snapping Kipo out of her depressing state. "So, heyo!"

Kipo smiled, before staring up at the display of stars on the ceiling.

'Hey Polaris, I wonder if you've seen those.'

A part of her desperately wanted to go up to the surface and find her best friend. She sighed.

"Don't you ever get sad that we'll never get to see all that?"

Lio frowned, turned off the stove, grabbed his guitar and lucky guitar pick, and walked over to Kipo. "Hey, you know what I used to do to cheer up your mom?" He strummed the guitar.

Kipo laughed, her mind still stuck on (Y/N). "Yes, dad. You played me and (Y/N) that song a million times." She loved it. "It worked for me when I was six." But it made her happy, and that made Kipo happy.

Lio smiled, before singing. 

"We may not have sunshine.."


a while ago


"Or starlight or weather!" 

You bobbed your head to the music, a stupidly huge grin present on your face. The song was catchy, and you loved it even when you had already heard it millions of times.

Pink Flurry [Kipo Oak] (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)Where stories live. Discover now