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"Happy Birthday bro."

Dapping and sharing a hug, it was midnight, officially Rico's birthday. Sitting lakeside, we lit our blunts and took the first pull. From ever since his mom passed, this was what we did and the specific lake was where he used to come with his parents.

"Thanks bro and thanks for being here with me."

"Of course man. You know I got you till the end."

"Same." He said lowly.

Glancing at him, he lifted his head and smiled with his eyes close as a cool breeze passed by us.

"You know she's proud of you right?"

"I know." He nodded. "You think it's weird that that shit still hurts?" He glanced at me. "I mean, it's been so long."

"That's your moms  bro, it will always hurt, it's just how you deal with that hurt and you've been doing good."

"I have huh."

"I mean aside from that one time, yo pops don't gotta be bailing you outta jail. You ain't running with no gangs or anything, nigga you the model child." I joked and nudged him.

Laughing, he shook his head. Fact was, Rico and I never really got into trouble and that's because we always looked out for each other.

"Plus I brought home no babies." He chuckled.

"Yet." I smirked.

"Shit. The way I love that girl, yet is right."

"For real?"

"Yeah man. Even though we're alike, Aria gets me and gathers my ass the minute I get outta line." He laughed.

"That's good."

"Pops said the same."

As he said that, his phone rang and it was his dad. As they spoke I sat there scrolling through my phone. Seeing a post from Leila and the time stamp, I decided to call her.

"What you doing up girl?"

"I just got out of the shower."

"Damn and I ain't even at the house."

"You're not? Where are you?"

"Me and Rico usually bring in his birthday by a lake, in memory of his moms bringing him here."

"Oh. That's really nice. Tell him I said happy birthday."

"Hold on."

Passing my phone to him as he had just got off with his dad, they exchanged greetings. Finished, he then gave me back my phone. Telling Leila 'Merry Christmas', we then ended the call as she was going to sleep.

"Pops on his way back?"

"Yep." He nodded as we finished his blunt.

"No lie, but I admire you and your pops relationship. I used to wish I had that with mine till I found out what a bitch he really was." I shook my head.

"Man. Me and my pops be going at it a lot, you just don't see it." He laughed.

"I believe that. You stay popping off at the mouth to that man."

Laughing, we finished our blunts then decided to head back to the house. All while I drove, Rico was on the phone with Aria.

"Hey man. Swing by the girls place for a bit."

"Nigga it's after one in the morning and it's cold as fuck out."

"Okay, and? My girl told me to swing by."

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