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"Yes momma, we're good and no we ain't indulging in any lewd behaviour."

"Don't roll your eyes for me. As much as I trust you, y'all are still teenagers."

"I know momma but even if I was on any kind of fu- mess, my girl ain't on that and I respect her."


"Just tell me you miss me." I laughed.

"Fine. I miss you and so does your sister. We always do when you go to Virginia."

"And I miss y'all too. I was thinking we, the three of us would do something next weekend."


"Yes, really." I laughed.

"Let me see how I'm working and we can. I'm sure there are some nice resorts around here."

"Okay cool. Anyway, we about to head out."

"I'm surprised, given the fact that you rented that place."

"Mommaaa." I groaned.

"What? You're lucky you had money and you got a discount because you know I wasn't going to give you any to book it."

"That's why I always handle mine."

"Mhmm. Better not be selling that weed you grow."

"Now you know I know better."

"Good. Now go have fun and be safe."

"Thanks momma, you too. I love you. Kiss Caity for me."

"I love you too and I will."

Shaking my head after ending the call, I laughed and finished getting ready. Checking over myself, Leila came in.

"You ready babe?"

"Just about." I smirked.

"You look good babe."

"You make me look good." I kissed her.

Grabbing my keys and wallet, we met up with everyone downstairs.

"Y'all ready?"

"Yeah. Ariel however wants to get her own vehicle so we're going back home to get her car."

"Yes because I'm not about to be in the backseat with those two and I'm sure my new bestie Kareem feels the same with." She paused. "Those two."

Looking at Elijah and Anna, they definitely didn't care about hiding their public display of affection.

"Girl, you know me so well and we just met."


"I'm fine with that." I shrugged.

Heading out, we locked up, got into our respected cars and left.


Sitting in me and Rico's food spot, Cook Out, we were waiting on our food. This morning was beyond adventurous but it was cool. Showing Leila my old school, neighborhood and house felt good.
As we conversed, I couldn't help but record my girl.

"Resting bitch face on point." I joked causing her to look at me. "This how she gets when she's hungry but she's still beautiful as fuck."


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