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"Well look who decided to show up to school after three days."

Looking over my shoulder, I chuckled as Anna approached me.

"Good morning Anna."

"Good morning? Where the hell have you been?"

"Spending time with my father." I shrugged. "He stayed longer than he had planned and I was happy about it."

"But you could have given me a heads up."

Closing my locker, I looked at her with a straight face.

"I'm serious. I was left here to deal with these people and now I see why you keep to yourself."

"Now you understand." I laughed.

Heading to our home room, I walked in and as usual, everyone looked at me. Making my way to my seat, I noticed Joshua who say behind me with his head down drawing.

"That looks good." I complimented.

Giving me his attention, he smiled then nodded before saying thanks.

"You're welcome." I sat.

Taking out my literature book, I turned to the page I was on and continued as Anna spoke to me about something.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes Anna, your mother wants you to learn to cook. Nothing is wrong with that. I've been cooking since I was seven."

"That's different. That's your culture."

"No. That's called learning basic life skills. You're spoiled and she is right." I shrugged.

Just as she was about to respond, not only did our teacher come in, but I heard Josh snicker behind me.

Doing our morning ritual, I turned and went on to my usual daydreaming till I heard the bell.

"Hey." I heard behind me.

Looking over my shoulder, I gave Josh my attention.

"Wassup?" I asked.

"Can you meet me in the hallway after this?"

"Mind if I ask why?"

"Nah I don't mind." He chuckled. "It's bout."

"Joshua and Leila!" Our home room teacher called. "Care to share what the conversation is about?"

"Well I was about to find out before you intervened." I spoke.

Hearing a gasp from everyone in the class, I stared at her. Same time the bell rang, dismissing us. Getting my bag, I got up with the rest of the class and made my way out. Waiting like he asked, Joshua came out laughing.

"I'm sorry but that was funny."

"Yeah, Okay. So what you wanted to ask me?"

"First of all, you don't have to take that attitude with me." His face got back to normal. "Secondly, seeing as how my little sister been ignoring everyone all week because your brother ain't been at preschool, my momma wanted to organize some little play date with them."

"Oh. Well I'll talk to my mother and let you know."

"Aight thanks." He nodded before we went in opposite directions.


"So you're really not going to tell me what he wanted?"

"No but I will tell you that you're annoying me right now." I rolled my eyes. "You've been asking me that all day. Give it a rest." I sighed.

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