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"Hey momma, daddy?"

Exiting through the back door, I smiled seeing both of them tending to her garden. When we came in last night, it was a bit tiring but daddy still was eager to surprise her with the garden. Covering her eyes, he had guided her to the back. Asking me to turn on the switch, it lit up the entire backyard and she broken down when she saw it.

The way she jumped on him, I hadn't seen that amount of affection in a long while from them. My parents love was pure and it was what I modeled my relationship with Josh on. Transparency and communication were key and it was most present.

"Hey princess." My dad greeted me.

"Good morning love." My mom them followed.

"Morning y'all. I wanted to know if we had any plans for today."

"Not really. Did you have something in mind?"

"Is it okay if I moved around on my own, to get a feel of things?"

"Maria?" My dad looked at her.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled and said it was okay. Happy about it, I hugged them both, then ran back inside and got myself ready. Passing my brother as he sat watching one of his children shows. Entering my room, as the door closed, my iPad rang.

"Hi babe?" I smiled.

"My love, wassup?"

"Nothing, I was just about to get ready to head out."

"Yeah? Where you off to?"

"I'm not sure yet. I asked my parents if I could explore on my own, get to know the place, you know."

"Okay, okay." He nodded. "Just be safe. I don't want to have to relapse on any fool."

"I will babe and I don't want you too either. How are you though, you slept good?"


Changing out my clothes as we chatted, I walked into my bathroom with my iPad and got into the shower. With the door open, we continued conversing. Telling me that Rico's birthday was Christmas Day, I was a bit surprised by that.

"Ion know how I forgot to tell you that." He laughed.

"It's fine. So what's the plan?"

"Well ever since I could remember, we've always done a dinner so I'm sure we're going to continue that and include Aria and Ariel in it."

"Okay, well that's nice."

"Yeah. What you about to wear?"

"Why?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I want to make sure my girl is looking good." He chuckled. "What you thought? I was gonna tell you what to wear."

"I'm keeping it simple babe. I'm doing a T-shirt and some jeans."

"Aight but you didn't answer my question."

"I did think you were as I'm not with you."

"I'll never tell you what to wear, unless you ask babe. I'll make suggestions but that's it."


"Good." I smirked.

Getting quiet, I put my attention on him, to see him staring at me as I oiled my body. Smiling, I made it a bit seductive for him. Once I was finished, we laughed it off while I dressed.

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