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As my alarm rang for the third time, I rolled over and stopped it. Laying back down on my bed, I sighed and just stared at the ceiling.

"I hate first days." I mumbled to myself.

"LEILA HASSIM!" I heard my mother yell. "For the last time get up and get ready or I'm leaving you behind!"

"Fine! I'm up!" I yelled back.

Sitting up, I stretched before saying a small prayer, thanking God for life. Making my way across the hall, I used the bathroom, getting my morning routine done. Today was the first day of my senior year and honestly I wished it was the last day.

Not that I hated school, I just despised the people at my school for their annoying ways. Only because I promised my grandmother before she died that I would finish and make something of myself that I was pushing through at this point.

Going into my closet, I stood for a minute trying to decided on what to wear.

"Urgh, Fuck!" I groaned.

It was clear I wasn't a morning person. Not only did it show in my expression, my behavior displayed it as well.

Finally deciding on some blue jeans, my white see through top with my white tank top below, I sat on my bed putting on my sandals when my phone rang.

"Anna?" I answered dryly.

"Its too early for your attitude Leila, now chill."

"What do you want?" I laughed.

"I'm coming for you, so be ready in ten."

"And what if I said no."

"You wanna show up on your first day as a senior with your mommy?" She teased.

"You know damn well I don't care, but fine. I'm done dressed anyway so I'm gonna eat."

"Ok cool. See you in a bit."

Ending the call, I grabbed my back pack, threw my charger in it and made my way down to the kitchen, only to be greeted by my mother.

"Finally she has risen!" She raised her hands to the sky.

"Good morning to you too mommy." I shook my head. "Morning squirt." I kissed my baby brother on his forehead before sitting.

"Morning precious." She kissed me on my forehead while handing me my breakfast. "Eat up because we gotta get going."

"Oh, Anna said she would come get me. She called a little while ago."

"Ok, well I'll clean him up and drop him off at the day care. You have money right?"

"Mhmm." I nodded as I chewed my sandwich."

"Ok. Well I'll see you later then. Remember, you have to get him after school."

"Yeah, I remember."

"Good. Now behave today please. Its only a couple more months and then you're done."

"And then we..."

"Yes. Then we move." She kissed my cheek."Call your father too. He called earlier."

"I will." I nodded.

Finishing my breakfast a little after she left, I called my dad while I waited on Anna to show up.

"I promise dad, I'll try my best to not catch an attitude."

"Lei, I'm holding you to that." He laughed.

"Now you know better." I laughed as well.

Hearing Anna's horn, I grabbed my things and left as I finished my call with him. As soon as I got in, I rolled my eyes at her. Anna was one of those overly happy people who just saw life like it was a pot of gold. I on the other hand, had been through so much that I knew better.

"At least smile. I mean this is our senior year."

"Ok, and." I buckled my seat belt before she left.

Enjoying the music that played lowly, I looked out the window while she went on and on about all her hopes for this final year.

"And promise me you'll be more active this year please."

"I'll try but I'm not making any promises."

"I'll take that." She smiled as we pulled up in school.

Getting out, we were greeted by other classmates. Despite my overall introverted behavior, I was a decent person. I was cool with anyone as long as they kept their drama out of my life.

"Hey girls!"

Looking ahead of us, Ria and Joanna stood there. I figured Anna saw my facial expression because she nudged me on my side.

"Don't start."

"You know I don't interact with Joanna since that mess she did before we went on summer break and I'm not about to be all friendly and fake."

"Oh God." She sighed as we approached.

"Wassup Ria." I greeted her, ignoring Joanna.

Walking past them, I made my way to my locker and got my things. I wasn't going to stand there and act like I was cool with her. If Anna wants to be friends, then cool, but I'm not with that.

"So did you have to snub Joanna like that?"

Smiling at the voice, I closed my locker before hugging Kareem. Kareem and I went way back. Though me and Anna were close, Kareem was my best friend overall.

"You know I don't mess with her since she tried to play me as a hoe all because she wanted a dude who was checking for me. Like I don't fuck with nobody here like that."

"I know sis and I don't blame you."

"Good. So what you brought back from your trip for me?" I smiled.

"It's at home."

Scoffing, I playfully pushed him before we walked to homeroom.

"You ready for this year?"

"Ready for it to be over, yeah." I smiled.

"I can't stand yo ass." He laughed as we walked in.

Finding a seat over the window, to the back of the class, I sat in the second to last row while Kareem sat in front of me and Anna to the side of him.

As final bell rang, the morning announcements came over the PA system. Once that was over, we got our class schedule, thankfully I had a couple classes with both my friends.

Hearing the door open, we all looked in that direction to see Ms. Jones, the school receptionist, along with someone new. Whispering to Miss. Black, she nodded before Ms. Jones left.

"Ok class, this is Joshua Clark."

"You can call me Josh. Only my gma calls me Joshua." He corrected her.

Looking out the window, I observed as the weather was beginning to change. I was a sucker for the Fall season and was ready for it to be here. Feeling my table move shook me out my thoughts then my pen fell.

"My bad shorty."

Bending over to pick it up, he placed it back on my desk before taking the seat behind me. Once the bell rang, signalling the end of home room, I got my things and made my way to Literature class.

"Meet back at usual spot?" Anna asked.

"Yeah." I sighed before we went our separate ways.


So, this is just the beginning, but still, feel free to tell me what you think.

This is going to be my first CB fan fiction so please bare with me especially if you're part of Team Breezy. I'm simply trying something new outside of August fan fictions.

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