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Josh: Wyd?- 9:15am

Glancing at Mr. Robinson, I looked back at my phone and responded.

: Staring out the window while this man attempts to teach😒.-9:17am

It was the middle of the week and I was honestly over everything pertaining to school. Luckily for Josh, our siblings had a field trip today and he got to go with his sister while their mother worked, whereas my mother was off today so she went with Messiah.

Josh: Why you hate him so much?-9:25am

: Because he hates me over the fact that my mother chose my father over him🙄.-9:26am

"Ms. Hassim!" I heard. "Would you like to solve this question?"

"Not really, no."

Going back to looking out of the window, the class began to laugh.

"Ms. Hassim!" He somewhat yelled.

Looking at him like I knew he couldn't be talking to me, I got up and approached him. Snatching the marker out of his hand, I approached the board and did the sum correctly, unlike how he thought I would. Placing the marker on his desk firmly so that it made a noise, people in the class laughed more so at him for trying to show me up. When I returned to my seat, I packed up my things and began to leave the classroom when he stopped me.

"Where are you going, class isn't over."

"I'm going to the office to be transferred out of your shit hole of a class."

The sounds of my classmates gasping, and him standing there dumbfounded just made me roll my eyes.

"What did you just say?" He questioned.

"You heard me. Every year I mysteriously end up in your class only for you to attempt to come at me all because my mother chose my father over you." I finally spoke up. "Like get over it! She never wanted you, she went out with you because you kept harassing her and she told you she was seeing someone. But your fragile ego couldn't deal with it so you decided to try and make my life hell."

All while the class was in a complete uproar at this point. I personally didn't care and was fed up with him and his shit.

"My father came to speak to you about how you pick on me and you refused to let him meet with you all so you can continue with your bullshit. Well news flash, I'm both my parents, the only thing I can't do is punch you in the face like my mother did."

After I said that I simply left him standing there speechless. Making my way to the office, I called my mother to let her know what just happened. Upset that it went the way it did, she wasn't to upset with me speaking up for myself.

"Yes Leila?" Miss. Warner asked me.

"I need to change my math class. I refuse to be in Mr. Robinson's class anymore."

Hearing her sigh, she escorted me to her office. Asking me what happened, I explained to her everything and she clearly wasn't to pleased. Assuring me that the matter would be dealt with accordingly, I left her office and took a transfer form. Heading to the library, I filled it out and just made myself comfortable in there.

As I read over some notes I had, my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. Seeing Josh name, I answered the call.

"You walked out?"

"How did you know?"

"Elijah texted me." He laughed. "I'm waiting for him to send me the video."

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