32: Are You Even My Brother?

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Technic walked into his home feeling tired from the day he had at school. He really didn't want to continue with school but he had no choice. He thought it was unfair that his best friend could drop out and leave him to suffer.

He placed his bag down, near the sofa then made his way to the kitchen. Luckily he found a sandwich. He wasn't to sure to who it belonged but he was hungry and so he would eat it.

With his sandwich in hand he made it up to his room but before he could move forward, his brother was standing in the hallway, with his phone in hand.

"Aw, P'... Why are standing like that?" Technic asked before stuffing the sandwich in his mouth.

When Techno didn't answer, Technic became confused. "What's wrong P'...?"

Techno raised the phone in his hand. "This... You and Kengkla's conversation... What is it about?"

Technic was more confused now then when he entered the house. "Our conversation?"

Techno threw the phone towards his brother. Luckily Technic wasn't to far from his brother so he was able to caught it. "Oii P'!"

He flipped it over and saw an old discussion between himself and Kengkla. He thought he had deleted it but... "P'... Don't think too much. It was a long time ago."

"What is he lying to me about? What did he do?"

Technic felt a pressure begin to grow around his chest. "Calm down P'... It's nothing."

"Technic. Stop it right now and tell me the truth. What did he do?"


"You don't like Pam?"

Kla kept quiet as it was obvious, that point had been made.

"And who is this person that is better then my daughter? Which girl huh?"

He clenched his hand into a fist. "Which girl?"

The room was silent until.. "It's not a girl... It's a boy." Pam's voice sounded in the room filled with three people.

"What?" Her father turned to look at her. "What did you say? A boy?"

Pam nodded. Her father turned back to look at Kla. "You choose a boy over my daughter?"

"Dad, stop."

"No no. I want to understand this properly. You rejected my daughter, my princess... For a boy? A boy that wouldn't take you anywhere in the future... A boy that will destroy your family name? You choose him over my daughter?"

Kla didn't say anything. He only dropped his eyes, looking at the floor.

Pam's father stood up. He walked out the room leaving the two young adults alone.

He walked into the kitchen, looking for his wife.

"Call his mother."

"Why?" Pam's mother was packing the dishes away.

"I want her to know what kind of a son she raised."

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you know that Kla was gay?"

Pam's mother stopped moving. She frowned. "What?"

"Call her. I want her to know what kind of a disappointment she raised."

Kla looked at Pam. He couldn't blame her. He honestly didn't know who to blame. Or should he blame himself? As he thought about it the door was opened and Pam's mother walked in with her phone. Kla was confused until he heard his mother's voice coming from the phone.

"Kla...is it true?"

The room was quiet until she spoke again.

"I can't believe this. Kla... Come home. I need to talk to you."


Techno couldn't believe what his brother told him. After a while of scolding, Technic finally told Techno what he wanted to know.

"P' but it was in the past..."

"It doesn't matter Nic... Fact is he used dirty methods to get here and you helped him?!"

Technic looked down. He felt guilty and ashamed. At the time, he thought it was a harmless act that will later lead the two to happyness but it was the opposite.

"P' am sorry..."

"I don't want to hear it... I can't  believe you didn't this... Helped him manipulate me? Are you even my brother?"


"No... Because family don't do such to each other. I don't want to see or talk to you or him!"

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