17:Let's stop here

883 46 17

Note: I changed some stuff in "where is kla?" it wasn't big but it takes a new fold in Techno's feelings for kla.
Enjoy :)
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"I don't know why you guys brought me here." Techno said to Type and Tharn as they had pulled him out of their home and drove him to an amusement park.

"We just taking a break, just try to relax Techno." Tharn said. Type rolled his eyes as he looked at Tharn. "Okay let's walk around and we'll stop at any ride that you like Ai'No. Okay?" Techno nodded his head as they started to walk.

They didn't walk far until they found something that Techno wanted to ride. They all went on and spent about 15-25 minutes on it. When they came down Techno's face was the same. All gloomy and sad. Tharn didn't know what to do next so he suggested that they look for the next ride.
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"Wow there are so many of the them! Which one should we ride first?" Pam asked Kla. She was excited that they had finally arrived at the amusement park. She saw many rides she wanted to go on. She pulled Kla in the direction of one of the Rollercoasters that was made for couples. Kla saw where she was taking them so he pulled his arm out of her hand in a slit second. Pam stumbled forward then got her balance back. She turned back to look at Kla. "What? You don't want to ride that one?" She asked as she got closer to him. Kla didn't want to go on any rides with her. In fact he did not want to be here with her. He took a deep breath in and looked at her eyes.

How would he tell her that he has fallen for a guy and that she is not appealing to him at all?

He looked around and spotted a cotton candy cart. He turned to look at her again. "Let's have a treat first." He said as he pointed her to the direction of the cart. She smiled widely then began to walk. Kla was just a few steps behind when they finally arrived at the candy cart. He ordered two medium pink swirls. "Pam I need to talk to you about something." He said not looking at her. He kept his ears open ready to hear her response. "Oh Yeah? About what?" Her happy and delightful tone sent some guilt rushing down his spine. "Well... you see-"
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I Knew it. The moment I meet him I knew it. He never really liked me. Well he did but not the whole way. I was hoping to change his mind but...

The first time I saw him was when we were just kids. Our parents knew each other. They had some business together. I only saw him a few times and in those times we never spoke. Good looking is how I remember him. Even if I was a child, I knew what he was. My father had always told me about getting into relationships at an early time with some one with the same life goal. I really don't think I had a choice to find someone that I like so that's how I got here. Standing with a handsome guy that my dad thinks I should be interested in.

I did everything they told me to do but it just didn't feel right. Every time we spoke it was like his head was somewhere else. He forced himself to reply to me. He had no interest in what I was saying and I didn't blame him...

And now I could tell he had enough. I knew what he was about to say...

"You don't have to say it... I know what you want to say already." I stopped him from talking as I spoke above his voice. He looked surprised and confused so I carried on. "You don't want to be here and your heart is with someone already, am I right"

I turned around to start walking to a bench not far from us. Once I sat down I saw he was standing in front of me holding his cotton candy up.

He must not get that I understand how he feels.

"Come. Sit. You don't have to stand like that." He sat after I told him to. I only looked at him for a while before I continued to eat my candy.
"I just can't find the emotions that I need to have for you." I heard him say. I smiled. "It's okay. No one can force love." I said to him while looking at him. He looked a bit relieved. He looked at me then smiled, I did the same.

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"Am not seeing anything I like." Techno said after walking around looking for a ride. He was tired and wanted to sit down. His head wasn't clear of Kla but what could he do...

"OK so what now?" Tharn asked Type.
"Don't look at me big guy. This was your idea. Find something fast." Type had his eyebrows close together as he spoke to his boyfriend. "Fine, let's get something to eat maybe?" Tharn said but looked at Type for a single to show him that his on the right track but it was hopeless.

Techno was looking around and saw a few food carts. He wanted something sweet. Sweet things clamed him down. Kla used to buy sweets then gave them to Technic to give to him. He smiled. His heart hurt and he did not understand why. All he knew is that he wanted to see the Kid again.

He walked aimlessly hoping to find something he liked. He spotted a candy cart that had large fluffy cotton candy. He walked towards it knowing that his friends would follow him. He ordered one then payed for it... It wouldn't cure him of his hurt but it would take his mind off the problem.

Why do I have the urge to turn around? Something doesn't feel right....

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Pam's POV

We were talking and I turned to laugh. My eyes opened to see a man standing in front of the Candy Cart looking at us or more like at... I turned to look at Kla to find that he was also looking at the man almost like he knew him.

I was confused....

I turned to look at the man again and this time I saw something... Hurt.
He looked like something had just torn through his heart. I frowned my eyebrows. Who was he? Did he know Kla?

I was hoping to find answers as I turned back to kla to ask but he had other things planned.

"P'No...?" kla said in soft tone almost like he was afraid of something bad happening. The man just blinking a few times before he dropped his Cotten candy then turned to walk away.

"P'! Wait!!" Kla stood up and ran in the direction of the man. I sat still and watched him go. I feel like I have done something bad.

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I missed you guys <3

People have been supportive and I really appreciate it. Am still in a hell hole but I found some time to write this for you all. I hope that you all still love me because I still love you all...

This was hard to write... I had my head in a million places....

Anyway I hope you enjoyed and are safe and warm. (it's cold on my side)

Until next time
Keep reading keep voting ❤️

Song of the day
°IOU° trinity

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