14:You need a girlfriend.

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Kla kept his smile on his face for a few more seconds before he dropped it as he turned his face to his mother's direction. She looked nice. She was wearing a dazzling red dress that held her figure. Kla mentally took note to a point the designer as his mother's.

Kla turned to his fathers direction. He was looking at some paper work and was not paying attention to the conversation which mad sense because his mother was the one that insists to have such meetings. He turned again to listen to his mother once again.

"So how long will the production take?" They were still talking about Pam's fathers company, the one she helps a lot with. Kla knew what the answer was but he wished that he didn't.

Growing up in a family like this was not so bad but Kla would rather live a normal life, like his P'No. He admires the way he lives life even if something his not too observant about his surrounds. "At the rate the equipment is running, we might be fully stocked at the end of the month." Pam said in her sweet voice to Kla's mother. "Well, that's impressive. I just wish Kengkla would show as much interest in the company as much as you." His mother commented on Kla's behavior. Pam turned her attention to Kla as she smiled at him. "Oh? So what are you interested in then? "

Kla looked at Pam as she asked the question. "Go on, tell her what you told me." His mother said not giving Kla the time to think about something to say. "Well...."
As Kla was about to give his defense his mother's mouth opened wide. "He said he wants to build multiple parks that hold soccer camps and training. I mean...he doesn't even play soccer! How is he gonna manage a business like that? It's not even worth it. I've seen many camps shut down due to some problems. It's way easier to just come and work with me and your father after you graduate."

Kla didn't know what to say after his mother's mini speech but his glad he didn't have to say anything because Pam got an important call which caused her to leave. "Again, am so sorry I have to leave. I'll make it up to you sometime. Bye." As she left Kla felt a sort of relief as he had no more reason to stay longer.

"Where do you think your going?" Kla's mother asked as she returned from sending Pam off. "The dinner is over what else do you need me for?" Kla asked as he turned from collecting his stuff. His mother stepped closer to him and took his left hand in her hands as she said "Why do you turn down all of them?" She asked while pulling him to the living room to take a seat on one of the brand new blue sofa's.

"I thought you liked that girl you always brought around, Earn right? But then you dumped her and never brought anyone after her." Kla keeped his mouth shut as he listened to his mother. He remembered his ex-girlfriend, he broke up with her the same day he learnt about P'No but unlike the simple girls at his school, Kla couldn't bring Techno to his home and introduce him as his boyfriend because of more then one problem. "I thought you just needed some time then you would get a new girlfriend but almost a whole year has pasted and still you are single. Kla, you need a girlfriend and you know why."

Kla knew exactly what his mother was taking about. His family believed that one must have his love life sorted before going into business. This was for more then one reason. They thought it would be easier to run the place because you wouldn't have your head looking for someone to spend the night with. The other was that being as successful as they could get it was safer to have a partner so that gold digging humans wouldn't take advantage of us. Kla's mother married his father at the age of 21.

"I know mother." Kla said to her as a sigh. "Then what is it? What about Pam? Please give her a chance. You might just like her." Kla could hear the begging in her voice. He felt bad that he couldn't tell her about P'No.
"Okay, I'll give it a try." Kla said which caused his mother to smile as wide as she could.
"Thats great! You two will go out to the amusement
Park. She likes them. I'll tell you when to go. Oh am so happy, I might just have found my daughter in law."
She stood up and danced toward the kitchen leaving Kla on the sofa by himself.
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Just so you know

This update goes to my supporters <3
You guys have been showing me some love recently so I just had to update.

Untill next time
Keep supporting < (^.^<)

Song of the day --if with out you》Ateez

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