31: I Made Breakfast

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The next morning Kla woke up early. He had to meet up with Pam and discuss the project her father assigned to them but in addition to this, Kla wanted to make Techno breakfast.

So after taking a warm shower he made his way down the stairs into the kitchen and began preparing ingredients to make the dish.

Kla tried to keep the noise down so he didn't wake Techno up. After frying, chopping and tasting. Kla believed he was done. He made sure to wash the equipment used so Techno wouldn't have to work on washing the dishes.

Unbeknownst to Kla, a figure stood at the foot of the staircase...watching.

"Did you count me?"  The voice of Technic seeped into Kla's ears caused him to turn around, placing his attention else were.

"Of course I did... I know you well. Just don't eat P'No's food."

Technic quickly stepped forward. "I won't... Where is mine?"

"Over here... Am gonna leave again. I'll try and be back later on today."

Technic took the plate of food. "Why do you keep coming here like its your house?"

Kla hit Technic on the side of his head. He didn't do it to hurt him.

"Aw Aw?"

"My home is P'No... So where ever he is I call home. He is here and so this is my home. You get it?"

Technic rubbed at his head before standing up. "Why don't you find an apartment then ask my brother to move in with you? I mean his almost done with school...Then you can call it your home."

Kla didn't say anything as he was thinking about this idea.

"Just don't eat his food... Am going to wake him up now..."

Kla turned around then went flying up the stairs two at a time. He slowed down when he approached Techno's room.

Opening it slowly, Kla took slow and light steps towards the bed. He sat down then slowly  brought his hand to Techno's head.

Allowing his fingers to comb his hair, Kla did this action a few more times before bending over to whisper in his ear. "Wake up P'..."

Techno turned abit but didn't wake up completely. Kla only smiled.

"P' wake up... I made breakfast for you."

Techno turned abit more but still didn't get up.

"Am gonna have to  see you later... I have to leave for... Work."

Only then did Techno wake up.

"Your leaving?" Techno pulled himself up to sit.

"Yes.. But I'll be back later. Dose P' have exam today?"

Techno scratches his head. "Yes... In the afternoon though."

Kla nodded. "I'll be here when you return."

Looking down to his watch, Kla felt sad that it was time for him to leave. He quickly bent to kiss Techno on the cheek.

"Am gonna head out first... Enjoy your breakfast P'..."


Kla stood up then made a beeline for the door, leaving a blushing Techno behind him.
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When Kla arrived at Pam's home. He found her seated with her father in the study he used to work.

Kla sat down on the sofa near the door. He kept quiet as he had interrupted their conversation. As they went on talking, Pam's father looked towards Kla. "Please help me here Kla. She thinks the order should come in a single while I think it should come as a double. Please tell her my idea is better, maybe she'll listen to you seeing as
you'll be her future husband."

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