10:The weekend practice

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"Please tell me again why we here?" Type asked his best friend. "We need to practice more. We can't afford to have Can miss an opportunity to stick a goal again." Techno answered Type. "but we won the game." Type put on a frown on his face while looking a bit confused. "Yeah, but that was way too close. Tithe other team could have scored a point." Techno started to walk away from Type and onto the filed. "I still don't understand, we were ahead by 2 points." Type mumbled but Techno didn't hear him.

Techno knows that they did extremely well at their game but he couldn't be at home at the moment. He found that having nothing to occupy himself with ment his head would be filled with Kla. It was a problem. A problem he even couldn't tell his best friend in fear of judgment.

No matter what he did or how he looked at it the situation he was in was embracing and shameful. Techno needed help to deal with it but was scared of how people would react towards him.

"P'No! Why are we practicing during the weekend?" Techno was pulled out from his head by the loud voice of Can. "Because we need to be the best we can be... I know that you guys would rather be doing other things but I need you guys you be on board with me, please." Type noticed how drained Techno looked after saying his statement. He had noticed a lot of odd behaviours from his friend, but didn't do anything about it. Type lived by a rule that says, if you don't mention it he won't talk about it but if it got out of hand then he would dig non stop till he found the problem.

Type walked up to Techno who was placing cones in a straight line towards the goal post. "Ai'No, ummm." Type had a hard time approaching the topic just because he knew about it for some time but did nothing about it. Techno looked up at him.

"I just wanted to say... I hope you know that am here for you and that I won't judge anything you have to say and that..." but before Type could finish his sentence Techno opened his mouth. "Owwi! Ai'Type what are you talking about. You sounding like my mom when she wants to know about everything that's happening in my life." Techno looked confused at Types  behaviour and be hoped that he didn't  know about the situation his in. Type closed his eyes and pinched in between them at the bridge of his nose. "Owwi!! Just forget" He would have to find a better way to talk to him, just not now and not in this method.

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Type looked at the time, their practice was over and most of the boy's went home but Can  was still bugging Techno. As he sat down Types phone began to ring. He looked at the caller ID and started to smile.
"I was just going to call you, I guess you beat me to it."

"Aw? Are you done practicing?" Tharn asked.

"Umm. Just a few minutes ago."

"Should I come pick you up?" Type was packing his bag when he heard this.

"I thought you had band practice. Are you guys done already?"

"Oh,The practice was postponed to next week some time." Type was done with packing up, so he got up and started walking off the filed.

"Your lucky. So what were you doing this whole time ha?" Type heard a small giggle from the other side of the line.

"Well, I went shopping. We needed some things so I decided to go get them."

"Wow and you didn't need my help ha?"

"Ha..." As Tharn went on about the things he was able to get with out his help Type noticed a black Audi parking near the field. A tall  handsome man came out and Can ran towards  him. Type then remembered him as Pete's rich friend with a bad attitude. When he was about to turn to look for Techno, he heard Tharn ask him something but didn't get it. "Huh.what did you say?"

"Owii you not listening to your husband ha? Do you want to be punished tonight?"

Type pulled a small smile as he spoke. "You know your form of punishment is my form of pleasure right? Now what did you say before?"

"Ha... I asked you if I should come and get you?"

"Yea, it's late anyway. You'll find me at the field."

"Okay. Am not far so I'll be there just now."

"Okay, bye." Type dropped the call and didn't wait long before Tharn pulled up.
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As Tharn was driving he noticed how distracted Type was so he asked him what he was thinking of. "Oh, nothing really, am just worried about Ai'No."
"Why, did something happen to him?" Tharn continued to ask. "I'm not sure, his been acting a bit strange lately. At first I thought he would go back to normal but he got worse, so..." Tharn nodded his head as he listened to Type.

"What are you planning to do about it." Type looked at Tharn and let out a heavy breath. "Honestly, there's nothing I can do but just talk to him." Tharn asked Type when will he do that.
"Am not sure, maybe tommorw. Invite him over if you don't mind?" Type looked at Tharn with big hopeful eyes. "Aw,aw I don't mind. Why do you have too make face like that? Ha, so unfair."
                                                                   937  Words
Just so you know


I would like to specially😛 thank the people who voted, you are all my troopers.

Hope you enjoyed the story
To my troopers 😘
Please vote and comment
Till next time 😆
Keep reading 

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