Chapter 39

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"He carried the weight of his sins, Oh how heavy they were. Yet he bared the whole burden and half of it wasn't just his."


I shook my leg anxiously, slapping my phone in the palm of my hand. I should try again. Just one more time. Jumping to my feet, I rung her one last time. It rang and rang and rang until she finally picked up.

"Xavier, you shouldn't-"

"I know but it's Ander." She recognized the inkling of panic in my voice as I nervously bit at my finger nails. There was some shuffling and heavy breathing before she spoke again.

"Where are you?"

"We're at the hospital! He needs you."

"We're on our way!" The line went dead and I sighed, glaring at my blank screen before putting it away. Marco sighed, rubbing his hands against his face aggressively as if to drive his exhaustion away. 

"I hate hospitals." He murmured just as Ander sat between us. He wasted no time in wrapping his arms around his brother and tending to him.

"You okay, buddy? Can I get you anything?"

"Nah! I just had some water. I'm fine!" I patted his back as he groaned, leaning over and wrapping his arms around his legs. The nurse said that he had suffered from a minor anxiety attack. I was scared out of my mind when I ran into the hospital and found him sprawled out on the cold tile as Doctor's and nurses encompassed him while his father wailed silently in the corner. Marco just stood in shook, shaking.

"Did you get onto her?"

"Yeah... she's on her way." 

"ANDER? XAVIER?" I jumped, looking down the hallway for the voice that beckoned me. Toby ran in breathlessly with a male nurse close on his heels.

"Sir! You can't-"

"It's okay! It's okay! He's with me!" Ander assured as he hugged Toby. The nurse nodded, eyeing us suspiciously before walking away.

"I came as soon as I could. How's your mom? Is she okay? Are you okay?" He held onto his face, examining it for any external injuries. 

"I'm fine! It was just a panic attack."

"Bro, you fucking scared me!" Toby hugged him once more, tighter than he did before while knocking my fist beside him. 

"Mom's okay too! The doctor said that she hasn't been taking her medication so that's why she passed out earlier. She's asleep now and Dad's with her." 

"Is Sierra and Percy coming?"

"Yeah! I called, I think they're on their way." I answered, mindlessly scrolling through my phone. Ander sighed, scratching his head.

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