Chapter 10

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"It is necessary to forgive those who have burdened you with pain, for it is not necessary to keep that heaviness within your chest."


I felt a slight tap on my nose- and then on my forehead. I groaned in annoyance as I stretched and switched positions. There was a laugh, it was deep and hearty and it made my chest rumble. I smiled to myself, turning over to peel my eyes open at the figure before me that was situated on my bed.


"Sierra." His eyes were filled with excitement that was utterly contagious. A smile formed on my lips and he chuckled again. His caramel skin was glowing today.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I queried with a yawn. I licked my lips, glancing at my clock.

7:47 am

I think Toby has a death wish

"I may or may not have made a secret copy of your key." He shrugged with a grin and I was unable to come up with a reply at this time of day.

"Why are you here?"

"I need your help!"

"What do you need help with at 8 in the morning on a Saturday? Are you insane?" He pursed his lips, glaring at me through slits before adjusting his glasses.

"IHaveADateAndINeedYourHelpOnWhatToWearBecauseIReallyLikeThisGirlAndIDontKnowWhatToDoAndYourMyBestFriendAndYouHaveToHelpMe!" He rambled out and it took me a moment to process what he had said. A look of shook overtook my features and only then was I able to take in his attire.

He wore a white, short sleeve shirt with tiny paw prints on them and a blue ripped jeans that were washed too many times.

"Holy shit! Holy shit!" I yelled while yanking my blanket off and stumbling out of bed.

"W-when is your date? How much time do we have to get you ready?" He glanced at his wrist watch as his brows dipped and his lips turned to a frown.

"We have seven hours!" I gasped, taking the pillow from my bed and throwing it at him as he laughed.

 "Ohmygosh!" I screamed while running into the bathroom to get ready.

"I'll be downstairs when you're ready!" He yelled before leaving. I made quick work of cleansing myself and getting ready. I wore the hoodie that I stole from Ander and a jeans. I skipped downstairs as I tried sticking my feet into my converse.

"Alright Toby! Let's fucking do this!" I hollered as I walked into the living room. He held up his car keys and a sandwich for me and my heart melted at his consideration.

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