Chapter 31

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"Love was made to disappear like flesh."


I shivered in disgust from the thought that had previously plagued my mind. Percy's lips on mines. How could he have thought that it was even remotely appropriate for him to be so intimate with me? Was I inviting? Did I give off energy which corresponded to that of a homosexual man? I was now very conscious with my being and sorted any means to forsake the most inaccurate idea that had congested my head. That I may have enjoyed such exchange. And that is a solid No. I debated whether to return to the scene of the crime or just head back to the hotel but the idea of sleeping in the same room with Percy has totally made me disregard my second option. Maybe I could ask someone to switch rooms with me? But they'd ask questions and I don't feel comfortable getting into it at all. 

"Fuck!" I groaned subtly as I ran my fingers through my damp hair. I was completely sobered up now but I could feel a headache gaining on me as the loud music from the club pulsated in my eardrums. Crossing the road, I tugged the keys from my pockets and shimmied my way into the car. Realization struck me as I started the engine- Percy came with me. How was he going to return home? We don't even know the country that well. "He'll be fine!" I whispered to myself before driving off. 

Yawning, I handed the keys to the valet and trudged through the foyer of the massive and very modernly designed hotel. I took a seat on the soft nude sofa in the sitting area. Rearing my head back and attempting to rest without being disturbed but sadly, the odds were obviously against me today.

"Sir? Sorry to disturb you but there is no sleeping in the foyer." A very feminine voice spoke tetchily. Glaring at her through the crack of one eye- I sighed and only then when I opened both was I fully able to witness her beauty. She had shiny black hair that was coiled into a bun which complimented her olive skin, a diamond shaped jawline that was clean cut and round hazel eyes. She had an athletes body with the curves that was partially hidden beneath her work attire. 

"Can I book a room?"

"I'm afraid that we've reached our capacity and there would not be any openings until next year February. However, if you are not a guest at this hotel, you need to leave." Her brows reached for each other as she stared at me with those toneless eyes.

"I am a guest actually but my roommate and I are currently in a disagreement."

"Sorry to hear that but I need some form of identification to solidify your statement." She didn't seem sorry at all. I dug into the back of my pocket for my room key which she took between her slender fingers before taking it to the receptionist desk and I followed her. She entered it's code in the computer and then made brief eye contact with me.

"What is it?"

"You are indeed a guest." she returned my card, unapologetically.

"I did say that, yet you didn't believe me."

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