Chapter 35

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"She was a Porcelain Doll, made fragile but I was a Dare Devil who never heeded warnings."


Stretching my arms, I propped myself against the wall as the elevator doors closed. This trip was proving to be a bit of a drag and maybe just maybe, it was a bad idea to send a couple of teenagers away on vacation all by themselves. I nodded at the maid as I left the elevator. I just wanted to return to the comfort of my room and sleep. Since I haven't been doing much of it lately. I was finally able to breathe now that I was safely tucked away inside my room. I exhaled a deep breath of relief and shuffled to my bed until a squeal caught me off guard.

"Sierra?" She was sitting on the floor trying to zip up her suitcase. She stood up, hands folded beneath her chest that was clad in a short yellow dress. 

"Hey..." My heart was palpitating powerfully behind my ribs and the feeling travelled throughout my body which had me an anxious mess. I glanced at the suitcase and my words got caught in my throat. 

"You're leaving?" 


"Are you coming back?"

"I don't think so." She soporifically stated.

"What do you want me to do to fix this? Just say it and I'll do it. Please?" I plead as I stepped closer to her. She became uneasy, stepping around me to now face my back. 

"There's nothing you can do. This is something I have to figure out, Xavier. I need time!" Time meant space and space entailed her finding someone else from the absence of my presence and the fact that I've given her the trump of reasons to rescind her love. Finally facing her, I forced myself to not wither in her presence because I wanted desperately to fall to my knees and beg her to return but I fear that would only chase her away even more.

"I know what I did was wrong. There's no doubt Sierra but I will literally do anything just please stay with me. Don't go back to him- don't go there just stay here with me baby, please?" Tears were slipping down my cheeks mercilessly and she reached out to wipe them away with her thumb before rubbing my cheek.

"What you did can not be excused with an apology and some tears. As much as I love you and I want to forget any of this ever happened, I can't! So I need space so I can make a decision that can hopefully help us to fix this."

"I know- I know that I just-... I'm scared." 

"Scared of what?"

"That you won't come back. I don't think you'd come back to me."

"I wish it was that simple. I really wish it was." She sighed, shaking her head. I caressed her arms as she closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against mines. 

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