Chapter 23

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"You're a fucking nightmare, but for you I'd go to sleep."


I adjusted my tie as I sat before my father in his study. It was pretty modern and plain, which is obviously not the work of my mother because she was anything but that. I watched him as he sat behind his huge desk, dressed in a white shirt and blue slacks. He was in his late forties, tall and fit with the deepest grey eyes ever. He was quite charming and he knew it. 

"Alright Marcel, I'll chat with ya later. My son's here! Of course! Have a good day, buddy!" He threw his cellphone onto the desk as he rocked back into his vintage leather chair. 

"What is so important that you had to tell me before school?" I queried while picking at my nails. He sighed, looked down at the desk then back at me before walking over to his window that had a clear view of the neighbourhood like a movie screen. 

"I want to talk to you about your Mother."

"What's wrong with Mom?" I sat up in my chair, propping my elbows on my knees. 

"Son- you know how much I love your Mother. That woman gave me the best twenty-something years of my life and two wonderful kids... but there comes a time when love is not enough for a relationship to work." He turned to me, stuffed his hands in his pockets and I knew that he was uncomfortable.

"What are you saying?"

"I want a divorce!" I frowned, my eyebrows knocking each other as I leaned back into my seat. I couldn't find any words. I didn't wanna be that kid and I didn't want my Mom to be that woman. I didn't want Morgan to have to go through that. I was over my Father but in her eyes, he was still good.

"I know this is a lot for you to take in but your Mother and I didn't know how to tell you."

"So Mom is okay with this? She wants this?" He scratches the back of his neck as he bit down on his lip.

"She understands. Son when you grow up, you would to. This has nothing to do with you and Morgan, I promise. We love you both, dearly. But your Mother and I have been having some trouble for years and you know it." 

"Is this because you got that girl pregnant? You're in love with her, aren't you? You're leaving Mom to be with her?" His eyes widen before he shook his head, walking closer to me but still keeping his distance.

"No- no- no! Where did you get that?"

"So you didn't meet someone else?" My voice was shaky as I gazed at him with glossy eyes. He stumbled to find words before nodding. "And you got her pregnant?" He nodded again. I stood up, running my fingers through my hair as I exhaled deeply.

"Xavier- son I know you must hate me right now. I get it but relationships aren't easy. Now I love your Mother, don't get me wrong, I do but we just don't work anymore. We haven't been working for a while now. We did everything that we could do. I'm sorry!" His voice was gruff. I nod slowly, trying to process this before glaring at him. 

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