Chapter 8

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"I would ask life for forgiveness but it doesn't seem to want it. Everyday is something new, so maybe my apologies were overdue."


"Dude! This looks good on me. I'm taking it." I stated as I flashed poses in the mirror. I was wearing one of Ander's hoodies and it was so warm and comforting. His room was huge and very typical. Posters of half naked women coated the wall behind his massive water bed.There was a mounted flat screen on his wall that made it look like a cinema. In the left corner of his room there was an empty desk and chair with a pile of clothes underneath it. But my favorite part of his room was the wall mirror that was coated in blue LED lights and his soft fluffy white rug. He glanced at me over his shoulder and I winked at him through the mirror.

"I do like to see you in my clothes." He grins.

"Well, I look good in anything." I teased. He cleared his throat before licking his lips.

"Does this mean we're together now?" He asked and I laughed. Toby reached over and flicked his ear while Xavier eyed him carefully.

"I think it's time for us to go. I need to get home." Xavier mentioned as he shuffled off of Ander's bed.

"I'm staying the night!" Percy stated as he high-fived Ander.

"Me too!" Toby chimed. I nodded, picking my bag up from his desk. I headed over to give them hugs and maybe I had to pry myself out of Ander's grip.

"Bye guys!" They sang and I smiled.

"Bye! Love you!"

"I love you to Sierra. I love you!" Ander yelled. I looked back at him, biting my lower lip as I raised my brow. I dropped my bag, walking over to him slowly. His eyes went wide as he swallowed hard. Everyone watched me, uncertainty written on their faces. I bent over before him, resting my hands on his knees, his face not to far from mine.

"Sierra?" He whispered as he glanced down to my lips. He had prettiest set of mismatched eyes.

"Ander!" I breathed, leaning in closer. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before I placed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. I stood up, smiling down at him.

"Dude! Your dick." Percy laughed as Ander shot him the finger.

"That was so sexy, I'm not even gonna lie." I chuckled, patting Ander on the head before leaving.


"Is there something going on with you and Toby?" Xavier queried as the security buzzed me into his community. I furrowed my brows as I grinned.

"Why would you think that?" I asked, eyeing him through the mirror. He shrugged, looking out the window.

"You guys are always together you know. Going out by yourselves and stuff and he's always watching you." I shrugged, parking the car in his driveway.

Holding Onto YouthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora