Chapter 25

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"She is like the deadliest poison to exist and I ride around on my chariot of immunity and together we can make a cure."


"WE'RE IN THE MOTHER FUCKING DOMINICAN REPUBLIC BABY!" Percy and Ander screamed from the sun roof. I chuckled while Toby blasted some Nicky Jam on the radio while Ander sung every word. I rarely ever heard him speak Spanish and he claims to not know much of it because they came to America when he was very young but I knew that it was all a lie. 

The Dominican Republic was beautiful. It felt like an endless walk on the beach, only we were driving a rental. The mountains towered over the island like giant Gods, the thick trees were full of life and the turquoise water teased us as it glimmered underneath the sun. The people were everywhere, halfway clothed and joyful. They spoke to each other with familiarity as if they were all distant relatives and they were even kinder to visitors. 

"We're at the freaking hotel!" Ander squealed as he grinned wildly. 

"Welcome to Catalonia Punta Cana! Enjoy your stay!" The two youthful doormen stated simultaneously as they opened the doors for us. They were dressed in all white with satin white gloves.

"I can't believe we're here! Ander can you fucking believe we're here?" Sierra stated while hopping out the car.

"I can't believe anything that is happening right now because I'm so high."

"Dude I'm high too!" Percy giggled and so did Ander. They've been acting like fools since the flight. 

"Toby and I are gonna check us in. We'll meet you guys inside!" Marisol mentioned as they collected their things. Ander and Percy were already gone and it was just Sierra and I who lagged behind. She took long glances at every detail inside the hotel, eyes widening, gasping and sudden stops. 

"It's beautiful huh?" She looked up at me, a wide grin on her face.

"Heck yeah! I can't believe I'm actually here." 

"Would you like us to take your luggage?" The bellhop queried as he smiled at Sierra. She blushed, shaking her head.

"It's alright! It's not that heavy." 

"Are you sure, Miss?"


"She's good! I got it!" I answered while glaring at him. He nodded, flashing her a quick smile before leaving.

"Guys we have a problem!" Marisol whined as she held three key cards between her slender fingers. 

"What's the problem?"

"Sierra your Aunt only booked three rooms. Toby and I are sharing one."

"Sierra and I'll share a room." I intervened while casually adjusting my bag strap.

"Xavier are you sure?"

"Yeah! I rather you stay with me anyway." She bit down on her lip before nodding.

"Okay, great! I'll see you guys later then." Marisol rambled while handing us the cards and running off with Toby. 

I took our bags and headed for the elevator. I couldn't believe that I was going to share a room with her. That meant that we'd probably be sleeping in the same bed and using the same shower. I was to forward, Godamnit. But I didn't want to pretend anymore. It was hard as it is ignoring her when she was always around and even when she wasn't, we talked about her. She was so present in all of our lives that we thought about her in everything we did. We considered her. 

"I wish I lived here!" Sierra mumbled before squealing. She dropped her bags and dived onto the massive King sized bed covered in  white sheets. There was a floor to ceiling glass window that opened out into a balcony. A white chesterfield chair at the foot of the bed and a thirty two inch plasma TV propped onto the wall. I stretched my arms, yawning as I dropped the bags beside the bed and plopped down onto the couch.

"You tired?" She questioned and I moaned a reply. "Come sleep on the bed then."

"You're sleeping on the bed."

"Yes I am and so are you. Stop acting like we never shared a bed before." I groaned, trying to make myself comfortable on the chair but it was impossible. I needed a soft surface- a bed. "Are you ready to come to bed now?"

"I hate when you're right." She giggled before shifting around on the bed, turning her back to me. I stared at her until I fell asleep. 

I awoke to shuffling and the sound of God is a woman being hummed. Yawning, I patted for my phone beneath my pillow to check the time. It was after three. I forced myself out of bed and headed over to the bathroom. 

"What are you doing and where are you going?" I moaned as I rubbed on my eyes. Sierra chuckled lightly while wrapping her thick hair into a bun.

"I'm going for a drive."


"I was born alone, wasn't I?" She teased as she pat my arm while walking passed me. I frowned, yawning once more.

"Can I come with you?"

"I guess you can but I'm driving." Satisfied with that answer, I quickly brushed my teeth and changed my clothes as she joked about leaving me. The car ride was silent minus the low hum from the radio. Whenever she was in her thoughts, she needed quiet but this time it was unusual for me. It felt like she was the one pulling away and I was chasing her this time and I hated it completely. I just wanted us to be okay again.

"So where are we going?"

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?" She briefly glanced over at me before focusing on the road again. 

"Somewhere with food for sure."

"Yes ohmygosh I didn't even realize that I was hungry."

"Well we passed a restaurant about thirty minutes ago-"

"Why didn't you say that then?"

"I wasn't thinking of food then Sierra but I'm thinking of it now so I'm sorry if my body can't make up its mind." I huffed, sliding down in my seat as I scrolled through my phone. She giggled, shaking her head before sighing.

"Just find us somewhere to eat."

"There's a place called Bliss in Cabarete."

"Okay, how far is it?" I sucked my teeth before making a face. She rolled her eyes and rubbed her temples restlessly.

"It's about four and half hours away."

"What the fuck Xavier!" I grinned, folding my arms.

"At least I get to have you all to myself now."

"Lucky me!"

"Your sarcasm doesn't dissuade me. Santa must love me- I mean Christmas in June? Come on now!" I threw my hands up causing her to laugh at my dramatics. She reached for the radio, raising the volume and to my annoyance, God is a woman is blasting throw the speakers and she began to sing.

"You, you love it how I move you, you love it how I touch you, my one, when all is said and done, you'll believe God is a woman. And I, I feel it after midnight a feeling that you can't- Are you singing the song?" I jumped, shocked that she caught me absentmindedly mumbling the words.

"Shut up. Morgan's obsessed with her." She laughed while dancing to the music.

"Sure Xavier. Sure!"

"I swear she does."

"I believe you X, I do." I huffed, folding my arms as she chuckles and I couldn't help but smile because she was happy.

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