Chapter 18

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"Would it be so bad if you were to fall into love with me?"


"Things are different with you." 

I groaned, rinsing out my mouth before making a face in the mirror. I couldn't get that sentence out of my head. It was clashing with the positivity that I was trying to gain after all I've endured these past few months. What did he mean by that exactly? Why were things different with me? Were my trials a reflection of my spirit? Did he think I was weak and tainted? I slammed my fist onto the counter, ignoring the pain that shot up in my wrist. I busied myself with getting ready for school and the fact that today's Toby's birthday. 

"Sisi, your mom already went out for work. She'll be back late and I have something's to do. Would you be okay at home alone?" I nod at Aunt Paula as I grab an apple from the fridge.

"Today's Toby's birthday so we might do something after for him. I don't think I'll be home early either." She smiles at me, yanking on her robe before passing a hand through my hair.

"You're such an amazing woman! Hurry up and head out before you're late." I grin, blowing her a kiss as I skipped out the house. 

School had been all kinds of different since word spread like wild fire about my father and how he murdered his brother. It was plastered all over the news, in different languages and it ran in the papers for about a week until the police had no more information to give the public. Everyone boldly studied me with looks of concern, confusion, ulterior sympathy and that small smile you give when you can't find words to use. My teachers pardoned me from classes and school work until I was stable. I hated going to school or even being outside because people wouldn't stop looking or asking questions but it was easier than I thought to get through it. As I gazed on at the four, wild teenage boys who were rolling around with each other on the grass, I couldn't help but smile because without them I couldn't have survived. 

"It is too early for you guys to be wild playing like this." I scolded as I tried my best to hide the 'Happy Birthday' hellium balloon behind me. They stopped to squint up at me with wide grins on their faces like little kids. Toby jumped up and the others followed, dusting themselves off.

"You know it's my birthday right?" I giggled at the ridiculous smirk he had while he adjusted his glasses. 

"How could I forget? I'm afraid I didn't get you anything." He raised a brow as he bit his lip.

"Oh really? Then what's behind your back?"

"Nothing!" He nodded, slowly before pouncing on me and making us both fall to the floor. He grabbed onto the string, yanking it from my hand as he smiled down at me.

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