Chapter 14

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"Sometimes we have to hold our breaths, until we can breathe again."


Nine days

It's been Nine days since I've seen or heard from her and it's been driving me insane.


On the first day, I gave her space. I figured that whatever she was going through right now- she just wanted to be alone. It wasn't easy, especially how guilt was riding my shoulder like a miniature Devil and following me around like a constant shadow. The boys finally came around, all except one- you guessed it. Toby! He blamed me even more because stubborn Sierra, still wasn't answering our calls.


The second day was draining. She didn't come to school and I was getting anxious. I just needed us to be okay again because it was sucking sleep from me. Percy offered to take a ride pass her house but he recalled seeing a woman, that sort of resembled Sierra and it didn't take much for me to realize that maybe her mother was back. 


The third fucking day was antagonizing. By this time, I had called her phone 236 times, texted her 179 times and left her about 10 voicemails apologizing like an idiot. I was consistent as well. My concern turned into rage and I was fucking pissed that she could be okay with not speaking to me while I was losing my fucking mind. I even contemplated pulling up to her house and confronting her, but I knew the moment that I saw her face, I'd fold. It was Sierra for God's sake.


This day was the worse by far. I'd received a call from Gustav who was very concerned about Sierra's behavior. He told me how she finished a whole bottle of Vodka and offered to dance for him. He said she didn't seem like herself and I should come get her before she does something stupid. Best believe my ass was in that fucking club in less than ten minutes, only to be informed that she had left with a man. A. Big. Fucking. Man. I drove around like a blind fool in search of a blue two door Benz with silver wheels and heavily tinted glass. 

He didn't even have the audacity to abide by the bloody law

And I had missed her again. 

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