Chapter 19

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"Is it possible for me to mend you, even if I'm broken?"


I bounced the ball a couple times before shooting it into the hoop. I brushed the lick of sweat off my forehead with my thumb just as Ander collected the ball from under the ring. He jogged over to me while bouncing the ball.

"That party was so wild man! I barely remember what happened!" He yawned, stretching his arm and then trying to shake off whatever bit of sleep that was trying to creep up on him. I chuckled, catching the ball as he threw it at me.

"Of course you wouldn't! You and Percy got so high that you started dancing on the bar. Toby and his girlfriend were basically face fucking each other on the dance floor." He grinned.

"Toby would most definitely never forget this birthday at all! Although, I didn't see that girlfriend thing coming. For a second I thought him and Sierra would make a cute couple until I saw her making out with some guy." I held the ball in my palms, squeezing on it. I remembered that. I mean I watched them, the entire time and she knew it. It made my blood boil from the way she just gave herself to a stranger. His hands were all over her; in her hair, on her ass, between her thighs. It made me fucking sick but I couldn't do anything. No matter how much I wanted to snatch her away from him and beat his ass to a pulp. 

"Fuck!" I groaned as I threw the ball, furiously at Ander who dodged it. I ran my fingers through my hair, taking a deep breath.

"Dude, you okay?" Ander patted my back before placing his hands on his hips. I gazed over at him before plopping down on the court and he followed.

"I wanna tell you something." Ander nods, edging me on. "I'm in love with Sierra!" 

"I know!"

"What?" He sighed, leaning back on the palm of his hands as he smiled.

"Dude, I know you! Everyone knows." 

"But don't you like her?"

"No way man! Sierra and I have a different relationship from the rest of you guys. Yeah we flirt with each other but it's never anything serious. She's beautiful but she's not my type." I chuckled, furrowing my brows as I propped my elbows on my knees.

"Then what is your type?" He licked his lips, giving me a mischievous grin.

"Tasha Miller." I gasped, nodding slowly as I fist bumped Ander while he blushed. Tasha Miller was one of the finest girls at school. She had dark brown skin that glowed in the sun. The happiest pair of chestnut colored slanted eyes and a nice jawline. Even better, she was from the Caribbean so her accent reeled everyone in.

"You're aiming high! Tasha doesn't date." He shrugged, shaking his head. Ander was really ambitious so I knew that once he set his eyes on something, he was gonna get it either way. But Tasha was a challenge. She didn't date any one or go to parties. 

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