Chapter 29

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"Your mouth leeks the secrets of your sleep."


I sighed, scratching the back of my arm as I shimmied out the bed. Ander was dead asleep on his bed, legs and arms hanging off the bed while his mouth was partially open. He always crashed heavy after getting high and I'm a newbie stoner. Shaking my head, I headed out onto the balcony to admire the view. The sun was bright and the sky was cloudy. The warmth against my skin was satisfying and I exhaled a breath of satisfaction, which I've been doing a lot of since I've been on this trip. Before I could fully soak in the view, my phone rang.

"Dude, shut that fucking shit off! What the fuck is wrong with you? Why is your ringtone so fucking loud anyway? Jesus fuck man!" Ander whined as he yanked his pillow over his head. I took mines from the bed and threw it at him.

"How else am I suppose to hear my shit when someone's calling? You're so annoying!" 

"Fucking answer that shit already! Please?" He eyed me angrily before burying his head beneath his pillow once again. I chuckled, walking out onto the balcony and closing the door behind me as I answered the phone.


"Percy, honey?"

"Oh hey, Ma! Everything-"

"Boy don't you 'hey ma' me! I told you to call me when you landed and when you checked in at the hotel. Why didn't you?" I silently cursed myself for being so absent-minded. 

"I'm so sorry, Ma. We just got caught up in the excitement of being here you know. I should have called, you're right. I'm so sorry!" There was a moment of silence before she sighed. I heard the sound of a chair moving and maybe she took a seat. Sometimes I feel like I could give this woman a heartache, I have no idea why she wanted to adopt me. "Ma? Mom? Mommy?"

"I'm here, baby."

"You okay? You miss me, huh?" She laughs that deep and hearty laugh of hers that I love and it puts a smile on my face.

"More than I should right about now. Your sister is back and driving me insane!"

"Bre's home?"

"Yeah! She came in the day after you left. Apparently she wanted to surprise us!" She sighed as I chuckled. 

"Damn! If I knew she was coming, I would have stayed. I miss her so much! Is she around?"

"She's somewhere in this house. Let me go get your bigheaded sister!" She mumbled and I bursted into laughter. "BRE! YOUR BROTHER ON THE PHONE FOR YOU!" 


"YOU GOT ANOTHER BROTHER? Boy, I swear your sister denser than a mule." 

"Mom, just put her on the phone!" I laughed while shaking my head. 

Holding Onto YouthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon