Chapter 13

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"Anger is the product of a pain induced plague."


Day 01

"Sierra?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes to get a better view of the figure that stood by my door. He smiled, flicking the lights on in my room as he made himself comfortable at the foot of my bed.

"Uncle Matt?" I whispered. He reached out to rub my exposed leg with intense focus.

"What'd I say about calling me Uncle Matt?" He teased. I bit my lip, grinning as I threw the covers off of me to reveal my body, clad in one of his shirts. He liked it when I wore his clothes. A small smile formed on his lips as he shook his head. He walked over to the door, closed it shut with a click. He turned around slowly while unzipping his jeans.

I laid flat on the bed with my legs spread apart. Just ready and waiting for him to take me. Just how he liked it.

I jumped up, gasping. I covered my mouth with my sweaty palms as I tried to stifle a gut wrenching cry. I was so sick; so fucking sick to my stomach from the things that I've done, the things that I've allowed to happen to this body of mine. I took a deep, shaky breath as I clenched the sheets in the palms of my hand to regain some sort of control because now even dead, Uncle Matt still had all of me at the tip of his fingers. I reeled myself out of bed as I tip-toed my way to the bathroom. I filled some water in my palms, splashing it on my face repeatedly, hoping to rid myself of those horrific memories. I sighed, turning the tap off, only to look up and gaze at my reflection. She looked weak- and I am not weak.

So I punched her.


Day 02

Agitated. That's how I felt. Everything bothered me. The air, the wind, the sound of my voice, my skin- everything. I couldn't stomach food but I could drink and I did till I was dead asleep and I did this for as many days as it took for Christ to rise.


Day 05

I had a serious hang over. My head was pounding so much that all the outside noise seemed amplified. I yawned, scolding myself afterwards for making such strenuous movement. There was a slight knock on the door that made me groan.

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