Chapter 20

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"Sometimes silence is the best type of noise."



"Yeah Dad?" I answered in a hushed tone. He ushered me with the flick of a wrist as we both tip toed out the door. 

"Remember, you can't tell your Mom about this!" He reiterated, just as he lifted me into his truck. I giggled, tugging on my seat belt. He closed the door gently, trying his best to quietly start the engine and once he did, we were off.

"So what flavor are you gonna get this time?"

"Maybe I'll try the butter pecan caramel. What about you?" 

"I'll just have the chocolate." I sighed, rolling my eyes dramatically. He belted out a laugh, looking over at me.

"Why are you rolling your eyes little lady?"

"Because you always get chocolate. You never get anything else!" 

"When you're as old as me Sie, it's better to stick with one flavor." He winked at me and then flicked my chin. I could hear the faint sound of the radio and I leaned forward to adjust the volume. It was our song. I gave him a knowing smile and he nods, chuckling. 

"Put your head on my shoulder. Hold me in your arms, baby. Squeeze me oh-so-tight. Show me that you love me too. Take it away Sie!" I dramatically threw my hands in the air as I started.

"Put your lips next to mine, dear. Won't you kiss me once, baby? Just a kiss goodnight, maybe. You and I will fall in love. People say that love's a game, a game you can't just win, if there's a way, I'll find somebody and then this fool will rush in." He took over the next verse and I couldn't help but admire him. His youthful smile and the way he tapped the steering wheel with rhythm. The way his shoulders moved in time with the music. He was happy and so was I. 

In this cool air, lapped with a dark starry night and a bright illuminating moon. Just me and him and we were happy.

I blinked my eyes open, yawning as I stretched onto my back. I exhaled deeply, staring at the ceiling. It was five thirty in the morning and I noticed that singular ray of light that was peeping through my black out curtains. I smiled, walking over to the window and pulling the curtains apart. Today was a lovely day! I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and did my hair. I changed into a ripped jeans, a white t-shirt and my denim jacket that Percy had bought me that time we went shopping. Well I shopped and he followed me around. It's amazing what some puppy dog eyes and fake tears can get you.

"You're up early!" I jumped, holding my chest as I eyeballed Aunt Paula. She snickered while sipping on her cup of coffee.

"You scared me!" I whined while taking the cup from her to take a sip. 

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