Chapter 32

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"My heart knows not what my mind understands. Therefore, this makes them enemies."


"Did you get onto Ander last night?" Toby queried as he sipped on his putrid alcoholic drink. I nod slowly, checking my phone to see if Sierra had texted me back. Nope.

"He was at some girls house that he met the other day." 

"Is he coming with us to the club later or no?"

"I told him that he should. I mean we're leaving in a couple days and we haven't done much together as a group since we got here." Toby shrugs, stirring his drink with his black straw.

"Where's Sierra?"

"I don't know! I mean I tried calling her and texting her but no response. She normally tells me where she's going." Annoyed, I checked my phone once again only to be disappointed. I reached over for Toby's drink which I took a taste of and cringed at how potent the taste of alcohol was. 

"Come on now X, this a man's drink!" He smiled mischievously before patting my back. I wouldn't call myself an avid drinker but I indulged in its merriment here and there. However, I never drank anything strong enough to put me into a coma.

"Fuck you man!"

"If I only swung that way- you'd be my first choice!" He winked at me and I shivered.

"You are so-"

"Hey dipshits!" Percy intervened before pushing a chair between Tobs and I to sit. He exhaled deeply as he reached over to test Toby's drink.

"Ohh I want what he has!" He tells the bar tender while returning Toby's drink.

"Does anybody know how to ask permission anymore?"

"Ew why would we do that? That's so stupid!" Percy laughed while nudging me. I shook my head, holding in a laugh before giving in. These guys really drive me insane. My phone buzzed and I eagerly reached for it only to notice that it was Ander telling me that he'd be by in an hour. 

"Sierra?" Toby asks.

"No it's And-"

"Oh sorry, Sierra'll be down in a bit. She was taking a shower."

"Taking a shower? Do you know where she was?"

"Thank you-" He states as the bar tender hands him his drink, "she stayed the night with me."

"She stayed the night with you?"

"Why are you repeating everything I'm saying? Do you not hear me? Toby do you hear me?"

"I hear you perfectly well Percy!"

"Then what the fuck is wrong with him?" They begin to snicker as I snatch my phone and headed up to my room.


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