"They are so goofy!" She says.

"I know right! We're going sight seeing in a bit. You down?"

"Hell yeah! It's so weird being back here."

"Oh you've travelled here before?"

"No! I used to live here. My mother is Dominican and my father is Parisian. I was born here but we moved to America when I was twelve." She smiled to herself, sitting beside me on my lounge chair. "Most of my family lives on the other side of the island, Monte Cristi. They were pretty upset with my mom for leaving."

"Why did you guys leave?"

"My dad got a job in America that could have changed our lives and it did-" She laughed, distantly. "but we were suffering here! The life you see these locals living doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else. As hard as it was growing up here, this was my home. It may not be the best place on Earth but it's my favorite place." I wrapped an arm around her as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"Do you miss them?"

"All the time..."


After spending the day sight seeing and visiting all the beautiful towns and places here in the Dominican Republic, I was glad to return home. I was tired, so very tired.

"Babe, I'm just gonna go check on Percy and I'll be right back." I stated while yawning. He was pretty distant today during the trip which I thought would have helped with his very dampened mood but it seemed as if something was on his mind. 

"Xavier?" I called as I peeped out the bathroom. He was sprawled out on the bed sound asleep. I chuckled to myself before heading out the room. Percy and Ander's room was three doors down from us. I knocked on the door briefly before it flung open.

"Oh it's you!" He mumbled as the excitement on his face fell.

"Wow! No one's ever been so disappointed to see me before."

"I'm sorry! I thought it was Ander." His voice was low and sad as I followed him inside the room, closing the door behind me.

"Where is he anyway?" He shrugged plopping down on his bed and I did the same. "Everything okay between you guys?"

"Right now? No. I haven't seen him in like two days."

"Really? Did you guys get into a fight or something?"

"You can say that, I guess." He sighed, sliding closer to me to lay his head on my lap as I absentmindedly began to rub his head.

"What happened?"

"I kissed him."

"You kissed him?"

"Yes, I kissed him... on the mouth." I sighed, placing a kiss on his temple.

"I'm guessing it caught him by surprise, huh?"

"I said I was sorry Sierra. I apologized so many times but he just won't talk to me. He looked so disgusted, Sierra. Like I was an alien with three heads. I hated the way he looked at me !God, why the fuck did I even do that?" He groaned, rolling off the bed and clenching his hair at the roots. 


"Why are you being so normal? I literally just told you that I'm gay and I kissed our best friend." 

"To be honest I kind of had a feeling! I live with a lesbian, Percy." 

"Your Aunt is gay?"

"A very successful gay woman, yes!" He sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed as I crawled behind him to lay my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around him.

"He hates me so much that he rather sleep with strangers. I said I was sorry!"

"You should never be sorry for who you are! That was a very brave thing you did. Ander will come around eventually and I know it."

"And what if he doesn't? What if he hates me for the rest of his life? I just messed up our whole friendship because I couldn't control myself." He said as his voice broke. A cold substance dripped onto my arm and I hugged him tighter before sitting beside him.

"Percy, relax! If you guys are really friends, Ander will understand. He can't be mad at you because of who you are, okay? He won't be! He just needs some time to understand what happened and how he feels. No matter how this goes, you are still completely loved by all of your friends and family. You have parents that are obsessed with you and a sister that admires you, and two idiots that would do anything for you. You have me! And I love you regardless of who you chose to love, do you understand me?" He nods slowly as the tears begin to race down his cheeks. I pulled him into a tight hug, kissing the top of his head as he holds onto me.

And I continued to remind him of how much he is loved.


So I'll be totally honest here, I was still trying to figure out who Percy was as an individual while writing. And I kept realizing that I need to figure him out before I could move forward and I kept getting stuck cuz I wanted you guys to get to know him as you did with Ander, Toby and Xavier. Soon Percy will have his personal pov but he really kept telling me that this is who he is and I just fucking ran with it. I was like okay, buddy sayless!!!!

Anyway thanks for getting this far and pleaseee do me a favor and like and comment please <3 Thank you

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