Chapter 23

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(A/N: I wanted to have Rose call the older members 'hyung' instead of 'oppa'. Oppa just makes me cringe. Hyung just felt better...Sorry if you don't like it.)

When they finally got home it was getting dark outside. Joon helped walk Jin to his room as Rose made ramen for the rest of the boys. She considered it a successful attempt since she only tripped over Yeontan twice! She did however have to chase the maknaes out of the kitchen a few times with her wooden spoon when they tried to eat something before she was finished. They were lucky it was the spoon and not a knife, otherwise they would be returning to the hospital that evening. 

The hyungs sat at the table shaking their heads whenever a maknae would run over to them crying after they got their ass beat by Rose. Jimin gave up after a while, but Tae and JK thought they could get away without injury since they were her boyfriends.... They were very wrong. Rose came at them with her full fury and mercilessly beat them like an angry mom. 

Soon all the boys were seated at the table(except Jin)

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Soon all the boys were seated at the table(except Jin). The maknaes were jealously staring at the hyung line as they ate their food. Rose made them wait for five minutes before they could eat dinner. 

After making sure her boys were taken care of, Rose took a bowl of ramen to Jin's room. She walked in and found him staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. 

"Hey hyung, I brought you dinner." Rose smiled as she sat at his bedside. 

"Rose... What did we do to deserve you?" Jin asked her as he started to eat.

"I don't understand what you mean." She tilted her head to the side in curiosity.

"You just treat us all so kindly, taking care of us and being helpful any chance you get. Rose, you could have just been Gguk's girlfriend. Only hanging out with him and eating our food. Instead you quickly became a huge part of this family. You cook, clean, talk to us when we need advice, and so much more. We couldn't live without you." 

Rose blushed and turned away from him.

"I'm serious. We all love you so much." Jin said, grabbing her hand.

"Thank you hyung. But I need you all just as much, if not more." Rose smiled, taking his empty bowl and kissing his forehead. 

"Now get some rest." Was all she said as she sauntered out of the room.

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Rose brought the empty bowl to the kitchen and quickly washed the dishes that were in the sink. When she was finished she followed the sound of laughter to the living room. The boys were all sitting in a circle when she walked in.

"Rose! So glad you decided to join us. We are playing a fun drinking game!" Tae giggled, already tipsy due to being a lightweight. 

"Its called 'Never have I ever'. Someone will say something they have never done before and if any of the others have done it before, they take a swig of alcohol. Will you join us?" JK asked her.

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