Chapter 7

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After fooling around for a bit, Tae and Rose were cuddling in bed. Well Taehyung was trying to cuddle with her, but she was trying to get up. 

"Come on babe, I need to go to the studio." Rose whined, trying to slip out of his arms.

"But I want to hold you a little longer. Can't you go to the studio later?" Tae pouted, kissing down her shoulder lazily. 

"TT...You know I need to go, and as much as I'd love to lay with you all morning, the new choreo isn't going to make itself. You're welcome to come with me you know..." She smiled, biting his ear, surprising him as she made her escape from the bed. 

"Fiiiine.... if you must leave me, then I won't keep you." He said dramatically. 

"You are so high maintenance love." Rose complained, finding the shirt that Tae wore yesterday on the floor and slipping it over her head. 


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"Hey...that's mine...thief.." Tae grumbled halfheartedly.

"Oh I'm well aware." She smirked, climbing back on the bed to give him a slow kiss before leaving. 

As she left Taehyung's bedroom she took Tannie outside to do his business. Breathing in a big breath of fresh air, she smiled, content. That is until Yeontan started to bark. Scooping up the little fluffball that was currently terrorizing a squirrel, she walked back into the house to feed him breakfast with a chuckle.

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After giving Tannie his food, Rose went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Jin was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. Once the coffee was finished brewing, she poured two cups and placed them on the table as she sat down in his lap.

"Ahh, thanks Rosie." Jin smiled and kissed her cheek. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes as they sipped their coffee. 

Joon slowly trudged into the kitchen, running into some furniture in the process. 

"Clearly he's not alive yet. Must have smelled the coffee and walked here on autopilot." Jin laughed. 

"Poor thing doesn't know where he is." Rose giggled as they watched Namjoon fumble around the kitchen trying to make himself a cup of coffee. 

Feeling bad for him as he kept spilling coffee and burning himself, Rose took the cup out of his hand before he could drop it and made his coffee for him. She then pushed him over to the table and nudged him into a chair before setting the coffee in front of him. 

She kissed the top of his head before heading to her bedroom to shower.

"You do realize we would all be dead without her right?" Jin asked Namjoon.

"Hmmm? Oh yeah. We would." Joon shook his head as the caffeine kicked in. 

A few minutes later, once Joon was more awake, he leaned over to Jin, " She wasn't wearing underwear was she?" 

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