Chapter 92

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Rose ran into Hobi's room and burrowed under his covers to cry. 

"Rosie what's wrong?" He peered under the covers at her. 

"Jimin called me a bitch." She whined. 

"Were you being one?" Hobi tried to reason. 

"Maybe, but it still hurt." 

"I can't take that from you, come here." He held out his arms and she scooched into them. 

"I was just a little upset because TaeKook were trying to get me to eat something but my stomach was not interested in food, so it made me nauseous." She hid her face in his chest. 

"Did you tell them that it was making you feel sick?" 

"No, unfortunately all I could say was that I wasn't hungry." Rose sighed. 

She tensed up as she heard JK coming down the hallway. 

"He's coming...Jungkook is looking for me." She whined. 

"How can you tell? What if it's just Jimin?" Hobi was curious.

"I know what all your footsteps sound like. I can identify you all by sound, touch, or smell at this point." 

"Hyung?" Gguk knocked on the door before he came in. 

"Oh there you are baby. I made the mistake of checking Yoongi-hyung's room first. He threw a knife at me and it stuck in the wall next to my head. I'm really glad he missed." He nervously laughed.

"It was a warning, Yoongs doesn't miss." Rose replied; her face still in Hobi's chest. 

"Good to know for the future. Now, will you tell me what's gotten into you? I've never seen you act out like that before." JK asked, placing a hand on her back as he sat on the other side of the bed. 

"I was overly emotional because I didn't want to eat because I was nauseous and you forced me to anyway." She turned her head to the side to look at him.

"Rose, I'm really sorry but we only did that because we are scared for you. Baby, you have eaten very little in the past week and that's not healthy." 

She let out a small whine and turned the other way on Hobi's chest; done with the conversation. 

"Baby..." Jungkook sighed. 

Rose crawled over Hobi's body and left the room. 

"It's like there's no reasoning with her when she's on her cycle..." Kookie groaned; falling back on the bed. 

"I know buddy, but her hormones don't know what they're doing right now so just try to be patient with her." Hoseok offered. 

"Thanks...Well I'm gonna go to bed, have a good night Hyung." Kook patted Hobi's thigh and left the room. 

 ⁽ˢʷᶦᵗᶜʰ ⁻ ⁿᶜᵗ⁾

Rose went to her room and found Taehyung in the window seat reading a book. She crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"Rough day huh?" Tae chuckled. 

She didn't reply, instead she snuggled her face into his neck. 

He let out a comfortable sigh and set his book down for a moment. He took her hair out of its bun and braid, then ran his slender fingers through her thick locks. Picking up his book again, Taehyung mindlessly massaged her scalp. 

"You have no clue how good that feels." Rose purred in his arms. 

"Good." He hummed quietly as she fell asleep.

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