Chapter 86

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Tae ran into Rose's room and stripped off his clothing before climbing into bed behind Rose. He pulled her up to a sitting position and undressed her as well. He laid down and she crawled over to him, laying on his chest. 

The skin contact calmed her down considerably, but she still had inner turmoil eating at her. 

"Baby, tell me what's wrong so I can help you." He whispered, kissing her head.

"You can't..." Rose replied softly. 

"I can at least try." 

"I'm tired of pretending that I'm not dating you and Gguk. I know we can't go public though because of the fans. Even if we did, it would have to be only one of you because it would ruin your image even more if two of you are dating the same girl. But I could never choose between you two. You both mean so much to me, I couldn't live with myself if one of you felt like you mattered less." She started to whimper, close to tears. 

"I don't want you to think like that. We can talk to PD-Nim about our situation and make a plan. I really don't mind at all if you come out as just JK's girlfriend. I know you may think I'd feel less important, but I wouldn't. I know you love us equally, I can feel it in my heart Rose. I want you to be happy baby, I would do anything in my power to make that happen." Taehyung lifted her face up to his and kissed her softly. 

"I'm scared, what if crazy fans try to hurt us?" 

"We have protection from that, being one of the biggest bands in the world comes with its dangers already. I don't see anything major changing because of it. Plus you have not only Jungkook and I, but all of Bangtan to keep you safe. You are every bit a part of this family like the others." He soothed her, running his fingers down her back. 

"Thank you for loving me." 

"I should be the one thanking you my love, I don't think you realize how much you do for us. We all would be lost without you. I can't think of a time where I've genuinely been happier in my life before I met you Rose. You are my world." Tae kissed her again, deeper this time. 

They kissed slowly and passionately for a little while until Jungkook came in. 

"Rose, can we talk now please?" He nearly whined. 

"I'm not mad at you anymore. I know why you did it, and I know you realized your mistake afterwards. I hope you can work on calming down more when you start to feel possessive. I forgive you baby, come join us." She held out her hand to him. 

He took off his clothes and crawled into bed with them, snuggling in and closing his eyes.

~A few hours later~

Rose woke up to someone poking her foot. She sat up in bed and saw a crying Jimin at the end of the bed. 

She wiggled out of her TaeKook sandwich and told JK to go back to sleep when he stirred. Finding one of her boyfriend's hoodies; she slipped it on, grabbed a blanket, and took Jimin outside. 

There was a little porch swing on the back deck so Rose rolled Jimin up in the blanket like a burrito and held him in her lap. 

"Did you have a bad dream baby?" Rose asked him, gently wiping his wet cheeks with her sleeve. 

"Mmhmm..." He nodded sadly. 

Rose didn't ask him for details, she just hummed to him as she held him close to her. 

Asher walked out of the house and waddled over to her. 

"What are you doing out here at this time of night?" He asked. 

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