Chapter 21

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"Sorry honey, things are not always as they seem." Rose apologized to Taehyun, sitting him on her lap and hugging him.

"As long as you're happy, I'm happy too Noona." The boy shook his head and smiled. 

Izzy meowed and lightly batted Rose's face with her small paw. 

"Oh, well I guess someone is hungry." Rose giggled, picking up the kitty and putting her on her shoulder. 

"Come on Taehyun, help me feed Izzy and Tannie." 

At the mention of his name, Yeontan shot out from under the table and ran circles around Rose's feet in excitement. 

She took Taehyun into the laundry room where the pet food was and showed him how much to feed each of the two furry monsters. Just as Taehyun was about to leave the laundry room, Rose put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Taehyun-ah, you know how much you mean to me right?" She asked him as she pulled him into a hug. 

"I'd like to think so." The boy replied.

"I'm sorry if I upset you at all by showing my true colors. Even if you think someone is perfect, they aren't. Everyone has their flaws. I'm still your loveable Noona, I'm just a little rough around the edges. I hope you don't think any less of me because of that." Rose babbled.

"Noona, calm down. I don't think any less of you at all. If anything, I admire you more, I can see that you're human. I was just surprised at first but I'm ok with this morning. You'll always be like a big sister to me regardless." Taehyun grinned at her as he leaned down into her shoulder. 

"You are a good kid, glad you're in my life." Rose smiled, kissing his cheek. 

(A/N: No clue why this got emotional and shit, but that's just what happened I guess.) 

When they got back to the kitchen they found Jin had made pancakes. Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Joon were happily stuffing their faces with the fluffy breakfast food while Jin rolled his eyes at them. Taehyun sat down and joined them for breakfast. Rose wandered off to Yoongi's room for some cuddles and more sleep. 

After breakfast, Jin drove Taehyun back home to his obnoxious brothers. He told the boy that he was welcome to come back anytime as long as he called first. 

Once he got home, Jin went to Yoongi's room to wake him and Rose up since it was afternoon. 

Rose was awake and refreshed, but Yoongles was still groggy, so she dragged him to Hobi's room and plopped him on Hobi's bed. Hobi was working on a new track for the secret album he was working on.

"Hey sunshine, how's it going?" Rose asked him, curious.

"Well I like what I got so far but I feel like it is missing something." Hoseok mumbled, deep in thought. 

"Can I listen to it? Maybe give you a second opinion?" Rose suggested. 

"Actually, you know what? That would be great." Hobi smiled. 

After listening to it a couple times Rose looked up at an anxious Hobi.

"Well? What is it?" 

"I think it needs some more you. Some more life. A little sunshine. What if we change the audio track a bit?" Rose spitballed.

After a few hours the song was perfect. It was upbeat and very Hobi. He even had Rose put in a few background vocals. 

(A/N: So the song I was thinking of was 'Ego' and I know that Adora did the female vocals in the end of that song but this story is made up, so in this version I'm imagining that Rose did the singing.)

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