Chapter 77

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"Mom no, don't." Rose whimpered.

"I love you with all my heart Rose." Were the last words she heard before her mother was killed right in front of her very eyes.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! EOMMAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rose screamed at the top of her lungs. 

"Rose, you're safe. Come back to us." Jungkook tried to soothe her. 

Jimin and Hobi ran into the room after hearing her screams, followed by Beomgyu. When Tae saw the younger boy enter the room, he covered Rose with the bed sheet as best he could as she thrashed in JK's arms. 

"Eommmaa...Why?" Rose cried, full on sobbing. 

"Noona what's wrong?" Gyu stepped forward; concerned. 

Hobi put a hand on the boy's shoulder and shook his head. 

"Why aren't you guys freaking out more about this?" He asked his hyungs. 

"Because she does this almost every night and we're used to it for the most part." Jimin yawned. 

"I don't understand, she never did this when she stayed over with us." He was very confused. 

"She mentioned before that she doesn't get them when she is with Yeonjun." Yoongi spoke up, scaring the others by his sudden appearance.

"I think she's calming down, we should go back to bed." Hobi tried to give them a reassuring smile, but it faltered a bit because although he was used to her nightmare behavior; it still hurt him to see her in pain. 

"But Noona.." Gyu fussed a bit. 

"She's gonna be ok now, go back to bed." Yoongi said a bit coldly, melting back into the shadows once more.  

"Hyung is kinda scary

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"Hyung is kinda scary..." Beomgyu shivered a bit as the boys walked back down the hallway. 

"He wants to appear that way because he tries to distance himself from others. But don't be fooled, he is a sweetheart under his cold façade." Jimin giggled. 

"You do know that he's gonna kill you now for giving away his secrets right?" Hoseok lightly smacked the eldest maknae in the head. 

"Ok he does scare us all sometimes...Well, except for Rose. You'll see their strange relationship in the morning. Don't even think of trying any of the stuff she does with him though. He will attack you and you'll end up being scarred for life." Minnie patted the younger boy on the shoulder before going into his room, followed by Hobi. 

 Beomgyu sighed and went back to his guest room for a night of restless sleep. 

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Rose woke up before her boys and got dressed for the day, pumped to work on the new choreo. 

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