Chapter 57

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Rose walked into the main room with her three handsome friends; Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin. 

Jungkook looked up from his phone and had to do a double take; Rose was stunning. 

"Rose....Wow." Was all that he could say when she walked up to him. 

He offered her a hand and she took it. JK twirled her around before bringing her back to his body. 

"I will enjoy taking this dress off your body tonight." JK rasped into her ear, sending chills down her spine. 

Her knees felt weak for a second and she was grateful that Kookie was holding her body up. 

She felt Tae come up behind her and press his hardened groin into her bum. Taehyung was clearly aroused by her attire and wanted her to know. She let out a small whimper as he grabbed her waist. 

"Boys! Leave her alone. You can continue your mating rituals after dinner, preferably behind closed doors." Namjoon scolded. 

As the boys pulled away from her body, she began to lose her balance but Jin caught her.

"Take it easy Rosie. Let's get you some fresh air, huh?" He smiled. 

"I'm sorry hyung." She gasped.

"Those boys need to learn what self control is. Just because their girlfriend looks really hot in a dress does not mean they can touch her like that in public. They are like horny werewolves during a full moon all the damn time. How do you put up with them?" Jin asked, concerned. 

"Well, I can usually stop one of them, but if they both gang up on me, I'm in trouble. It's really hard to stop their urges. Sometimes, like earlier, I just get overwhelmed and my hormones take over, then I can't think clearly enough to stop them. I should try harder, I'm sorry." 

"I don't blame you, If I was in your place I would be even more of a mess than you were." Jinnie laughed. 

"I really was a mess huh?" Rose shyly smiled. 

"If that went on any longer I was afraid I'd have to find a mop." He teased her. 

"JIN HYUNG!" Rose screeched, smacking his shoulder; her cheeks flaming red. 

He just laughed and laughed until she eventually joined him. 

They got a much bigger car this time around, so there was enough room for them to sit comfortably. Jin still chose to hold Rose in his lap protectively during the ride to the restaurant, glaring at the two maknaes every so often. Said maknaes were sulking after the tongue lashing they got from Namjoon and surprisingly, Hobi as well. They were way more scared of Hobi than they were of Joon because Hobi rarely got mad, so when he did, no one knew what could happen. 

"Hey Rosie." Jimin spoke up from beside her, leaning in her ear.

"Yes Chim?" 

"You look really beautiful, I want you to know that." He winked.

"Thank you, you look hot like always." 

"As hot as Jungkook?" He asked pushing his hair back cause he felt cocky. 

"Keep dreaming honey." 

"At least tell me I'm hotter than Jin." Jimin pouted. 

Jin looked at him, annoyed that he would ask something so horrendous.

Jin looked at him, annoyed that he would ask something so horrendous

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