Chapter 28: To share an oni~chan

Start from the beginning

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sasuke trying to stifle a laugh-though failing miserably.

Mr. Mushkers was a stuffed rabbit that Charlotte had actually grown attached to. One day it got stuck between the door and nail on a wall. Shisui, having returned from a mission, obliviously pulled back the door.

Tearing poor Mr. Mushkers in half. The sight of her favorite toy being destroyed was enough for her to awaken her red eyes.

It was a serious matter to celebrate about, but the cause of it was still hilarious.

Charlotte huffed and stuck her chin up with pride, unwilling to allow the taunt to affect her. It still didn't stop the blush on her cheeks though.


Sasuke chuckled. "You're such a girl Yu~chan."

Her eyes flickered. "Well at least this girl has a sharingan, unlike you."

He frowned. "I'll awaken mine too you know, it'll be way cooler than yours!"

"Cooler? I only believe what I see." She muttered under her breath.

A hurt look flashed across his face, he opened his mouth to say something but stopped when two familiar voices caught our attention.



Sasuke and I said at the same time. We glared at each other and before I could say anything, he smirked and ran ahead without so much as a warning.

"Hey!" I shouted and rushed after him. An idea popped up in my mind and I grinned, pushing chakra into my feet.

My speed increased I passed him, reaching both boys and drawing their onyx eyes to my form.

"Welcome back from your mission Ni~chans."

I turned to the younger one. "Itachi~ni can you train me today?" I asked beaming. 

Shisui and I had trained three days ago. Much to Charlotte's disappointment.

"No fair!" Sasuke replied, having now caught up with me.

"You cheated!"

I raised an eyebrow. "So did you."

"Welcome back Oni~chan." Charlotte's voice cut in between us. Shisui's eyes immediately brightened upon seeing her. It almost made me barf. The innocent grin she wore was what killed it.

"I hope you haven't forgotten today."

The older Uchiha' face lit up. "Of course not." He turned to his partner. "I'll see you later Itachi, I promised Yumi I'd train with her."

Itachi nodded in response and the two siblings walked away together. I wished I'd missed the victorious smirk the female shot me as they disappeared.

"See ni~chan? Even Shisui~ni kept his promise. You have to train with me!" Sasuke protested.

Itachi blinked. "Of course Sasuke. Let me just see otou~san-"

I cut him off. "But if you do that Fugaku~san will talk with you for the rest of the day!"

"Please oni~chan." Duckbutt said.

"Pweeese~" I gave him my best doe eyes.

Seeing his confliction I added, "It won't look good if the Uchiha heir refused a request from the hime of the Hyuga clan."

Actually, it wouldn't have come out as a surprise since the Uchihas were naturally assholes and the Hyuga were no better. But the animosity between the clans would undoubtedly increase and Itachi wouldn't want that.

[Rewritten] Out she came in...NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now