Ch 28: Fittings and Mobs and Dogs, Oh My!

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"Ouch!" Olivia jumped as she was pricked by one of Rosie's seamstresses.

The demoness smirked and innocently batted her eyelashes. "Oh, so sorry."

Olivia scrunched her face and sighed. Damn jealous fan girls. She glanced around the large dressing room from her place on the pedestal. Fabrics and sewing tools littered the area as two other ladies ran about at Rosie's order. Olivia looked at the clock which read 2pm. She had been standing there for almost four hours as she had been prodded and turned about like a doll. Olivia sighed again and glanced into the wall-length mirror. She had to admit, the dress was coming along beautifully. The polyester fabric hugged her body, showing off what little curves she possessed. It flared at her shins with a small train in a mermaid style skirt. The thick straps rapped around the top of her breast and off her shoulders. It was plain but elegant.

Olivia had been coming to Rosie's once a week for the last three weeks. Rosie kept making changes every time she showed up. She finally settled on a design and the intricacies of the dress, pulling it together beautifully. She had become close to Rosie in these weeks, chatting and gossiping as she was very interested in her relationship with Alastor.

"He has never had one, for a long as I've known him." Rosie said one day as they took a break, drinking tea. "It's interesting to see him like this, in love. He's changed, as well. I can tell."

Olivia flushed and sipped her tea. "Changed?"

Rosie chuckled. "He has alway been eccentric, and still is, but he's," Rosie paused, rolling her hand in the air as she tried to find the right word. "How do I put it? Calmer."

Olivia blinked. "Calmer? Are you sure? He seems as flamboyant as usual."

Rosie laughed. "Yes, the change was subtle, but it is there. Going to that Hotel was the best thing for him, I know. He may not still believe it himself, but he has a new family, and falling in love with you will help with that realization."

Olivia smiled at the memory of that conversation but her thoughts were interrupted by another prick of a needle at the back of her thigh. She turned and glared at the smirking seamstress who apologized again. Olivia opened her mouth to speak her mind but was stopped as her phone began ringing on the table. She glanced over to it and saw Alastor's name pop up. Rosie walked over to it and picked it up, answering it for her.

"Hello, my dear Alastor!" Olivia heard Alastor's booming muffled voice on the other end of the phone call. "Yes, yes. We are almost finished." Another pause to let Alastor talk. "Well, you better hurry. I'm afraid your fan club is getting testy with her. She may not make it back to you in piece if your not quick." Rosie chuckled. "Alright, see you in a bit."

Olivia huffed a small laugh. "Alastor is on the way?"

Rosie smiled wide. "Yes. We better get you out of that dress. We don't want to ruin the surprise!"

"Is the dress finished?" Olivia carefully stepped off the pedestal and walked to Rosie.

"Almost. Just a few finishing touches, but I don't need to have you here anymore to have the dress on. Are you happy with it so far?"

Olivia spun, letting the skirt flow around her ankles. "I love it, Rosie. It is absolutely perfect."

Rosie giggled. "Fantastic! Now turn around so I can unbutton you."

Rosie proceeded to peel the dress off of Olivia carefully, placing it on the hanger and hanging it up. Olivia changed into her regular dark grey dress and pulled on her red shrug. Before she brought it upon her shoulders, Rosie's hand stopped her sweater.

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