Ch 15: Formerly Octavia Von Bast

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"I was born to the Von Bast family in 1921 to Paul and Shareena. My mother was a kind and gentle person. My father was nothing like that. He was cold, cruel and sadistic. He groomed me to be the perfect wife from the time I could talk. I had long, bright blonde hair and light blue eyes, looking nothing like I do now. They trained me in etiquette, manners and poise, to be seen but not heard. My mother was the one who taught me to sing, play the violin And how to knit, so I was very close to her. She passed when I was 12 to the flu. At least, that's what my father told me, I remember very little around that time. When I was 22, my father chose a profitable husband for me. That was Reginald Shultz. You are all aware of their closeness of the Shultz and Von Bast's here in Hell? Well, it was the same in life too."

"At first, Reginald was kind and romantic. We courted for a year before he proposed. I said yes, of course. I believed I would be happy with this arrangement, until the night before my wedding. I found out my brother Oscar, died in action during World War 2. It upset me as he was the only family member I had left that I cared about and now he was gone too. So I took an evening stroll to clear my head. After all, the happiest day of my life was tomorrow. I was walking when I saw Reginald come out of a house with three of his friends. I could tell they had been drinking, and they approached me. I thought nothing of it until I blacked out to the smell of chloroform." Olivia took a deep breath as silence surrounded her. All wide eyes on her with full attention.

"I woke up in a small room, chained to a small bed and they kept there me for ten hours where I was...... where they-" she choked on a small sob and covered her mouth. Her right hand gripped her skirt before it was pried open. She looked to her right to Angel who had two of his hands holding hers. A small smile grew on his face as he nodded. She sniffed and continued.

"Anyway, you get the idea. When morning came, Reginald hauled me out of the house to his car, drove to my father's and dumped me at his feet. He accused me of adultery and demanded that if my father didn't hand over the company completely to him when we got married, he would go public and shame our name. Before, it was in an agreement that Reginald would only get 50% of the company while my father held the other half. My father agreed after he gave me my beating for dishonouring him. So the wedding still happened the next day. I did not want to marry him any more, but I had a plan. I would play the part of the perfect wife so no one would suspect me of what I was about to do." Olivia smiled.

Angel grinned. "Oh, this is going to be great."

Olivia looked at him and smirked. "A month after they married us, I grabbed my knitting needles and went out into the night. I went to the house where I was taken and there lay one of Reginald's friends who had a hand in assaulting me. So I slowly took his life."

Olivia's smiled widened as she remembered the feeling.

"In the next month, I killed another of his friends, and the next month another, until only Reginald was left. He didn't suspect a thing as I knocked him out and dragged him into the basement. He had me locked up for ten hours, so I gave him ten back. The room was soundproof, so no one heard his screams. Before morning, I took his body and placed rocks in his pockets, taking him to the river and dumping his body. I watch it sink to the bottom where no one would find it. Then, I went home and went to bed. I called the police at lunch the next day, telling them Reginald was missing. I played the part of the scared and worried wife well enough that I wasn't even a suspect. Two weeks went by and the search ended, Reginald was officially dead." Olivia heaved a sigh and smiled.

"Now I had one more pressing issue. I wanted to kill again and so I did. I had gained the taste for blood. For the next few years, I killed and killed. At first it was adulterous men and women but then it escalated to Whoever i could find in the night alone. The police finally got wind of me, but I wouldn't let them take me. So I planned two more kills. My father was the first."

The Stray and The Radio DemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora