Editor's note: I'm sorry, but this needs to be done.

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Hello everyone! I wanted to come clean about some things. I have been in such a writers block and I know why. I am not truly happy with how my fanfic, The Stray, has progressed. I have no motivation to complete the current story as i am not happy with it. I truly believe you all deserve a fantastic story, as well as my girl, Olivia. She means the world to me for it is because of her that I got to meet all of you and be apart of an amazing fandom. She deserves an amazing adventure and i plan to give it to her. So, I wanted to let you all know I plan on rewriting The Stray and The Radio Demon. I will keep up my original so you can reread it at your pleasure and leisure, but I will be posting a new, updated version with new things added to it to make it flow better. Though i do not plan on continuing on Watt Pad, only on A03. One thing i plan on fixing is the timeline. I believe i made the timeline to compact for my original vision, so I plan on rectifying that.

I am truly sorry if this upsets some of you as that is not my intention. I know you have all waited for the next chapter, but I just don't feel like i'm giving my best for you. I truly believe I can give you a story worth waiting for. I hope you all understand. I will upload as soon as I can. I hope to be more reliable to you all with chapter updates. I can promise there will be better story telling and more adventures. Some things may be taken out, but it won't be much or important to the plot. Thank you all for your patience and love. I will do my best to pay you all back for your support by writing an incredible journey of Olivia Spencer.

Thank you all and see you on A03!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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