Ch 12: Truth or Drink

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10 months. She had been here for 10 months and it was the greatest time she had ever had. Her new friends made her feel more welcome than her own family had. She had started to bond more with Vaggie as they trained together once a week, testing their fighting skills with each other. James had settled in with the group fairly well. He even backed off a tad from his flirting with her. He was funny, charismatic and sweet, everyone seemed to like him. The only one who was still weary of him was Alastor, but then he was always weary of new employees. Her performances were getting more noticed every month. The number of demons coming to see her perform grew. Charlie was ecstatic about the publicity. Even if they weren't coming to be redeemed, at least the Hotel was popular.

Olivia was at the bar, sipping a Gin and Sin cocktail, when James sat next to her. He ordered a whiskey from Husker and then glanced at Olivia.

"Hey sugar. How's it going today?" He toyed with the toothpick in his mouth and smirked.

"I'm fine, James. Thank you." Olivia took another sip of her drink. She had to admit, he was charming in an annoying way.

"I was thinking..." James started and Olivia raised her head to look at him. "We should have a game ni-"

Olivia quickly covered his mouth. Husker and Olivia both looked horrified as she leaned in close with her hand still on his mouth.

"Do not say those two words. You don't know what you will unleash."

Husker leaned forward. "Unless you wish to die a second time."

James looked very confused. He took Olivia's hand off his mouth and cocked an eyebrow.

"What are you two talking about?"

Olivia looked around before replying. "We have had.... those 'nights' before and they never end well. Except for Alastor."

Husker nodded. "You know his rep. He is competitive. Like, deathly competitive."

James looked between the both of them. "You're serious?"

Olivia and Husker nodded in unison. James sighed.

"All right then, how about something that's not competitive? Just for all of us to get together and get to know each other."

Olivia cocked her head. "What did you have in mind?"

James smirked. "How about a game of truth or drink? Drinking always makes it more fun!"

Husker snorted. "What are we, 12?"

Olivia's brows furrowed. "Isn't it Truth or Dare?"

"Ya, but no one ever wants to do a dare, so I made up a new version. Tell the truth, or you take a shot."

Olivia smiled. "Sounds interesting."

James beamed. "Then lets tell everyone at supper."

Once supper had started, James brought up the plan for the night and everyone agreed.

"That's sound like so much fun!" Charlie bounced in her seat. Vaggie smiled fondly at her and shook her head.

Alastor and Olivia were washing dishes once supper ended. Olivia looked at him.

"Are you really going to play?" She handed him a pot.

He took it and dunked it in the rinsing water. "Why wouldn't I want to play? Sounds entertaining!"

"You just don't seem like the sharing personal information type, or getting drunk type." She smirked at him.

Alastor shrugged and glanced at her. His eyes seemed to bore into her. "And you are?"

The Stray and The Radio DemonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora