Ch 48: The Beach Episode Pt 4: Shenanigans and Fear

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Summary: The next 'episode' is here! What shenanigans are gonna happen?

Olivia was fitful all night. Her eyes were closed, but she could not sleep. She tossed and turned, sighing heavily as she looked up through the skylight, watching the moon travel across the sky until the morning red bled into the horizon. The dark circles under her eyes were profound as she rose to a sitting position, sighing again. No matter how much Alastor cuddled or soothed her, the feeling of wrong escalated. She tried to explain it to him, but it frustrated her more.

"Maybe it's the same feeling that I felt last night." Alastor explained, causing Olivia to look up at him as he sat beside her on the bed, grasping her hand in a comforting gesture.

"What feeling?" Olivia asked in a whisper.

"When you entered the doorway, I thought I saw something in the darkness of the forest, but nothing was there. I chalked it up to my overactive imagination, but I couldn't shake the feeling of....." Alastor rolled his wrist as he tried to find the right word.

"Wrong?" Olivia asked hopefully, desperate for him to agree with her so she could stop feeling so foolish.

Alastor smiled wide. "Yes, wrong. Though that usually indicates my presence."

Olivia smiled at his joke, giggling under her breath. Alastor placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head, smiling gently.

"There she is, my darling kitten." Alastor whispered as he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her smiling lips.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be letting this feeling get to me. We're here to relax and have a good time." Olivia shook her head like she was trying to shake away those negative thoughts.

"Don't ever apologize to me for expressing your fears and emotions. I know I don't do it enough, but it makes me feel good when you feel like you can talk to me." Alastor leaned his forehead against her's, locking eyes with her. "I will never put you down like he did. I will never dismiss you like he did. I love you and I always will."

Tears filled Olivia's eyes at his words, but she didn't let them fall. She smiled wide and placed a hand over his cheek.

"Thank you, my stag. Just know, when you do feel like sharing your own feelings, I'll be here without any judgement." Olivia whispered warmly.

Alastor smiled and nodded. "I'll keep that in mind, darling. Are you ready to start the day?"

"I suppose." Olivia smirked and threw off the covers.

They dressed and made their way down to the main cabin where they had breakfast with the group, minus Husker and Angel who were still very hungover from the drinking the night before. Charlie told them that they should take the day to relax on the beach and go for a swim. Olivia slightly winced at the idea of the water, but nodded nonetheless. She could at least soak in some sun.

They changed into their swimsuits, Olivia clad in a dark red two piece. It had a ruffled skirt and ruffles on her chest. It was incredibly cute. Olivia had to cover her mouth not to laugh at Alastor as he walked out of the bathroom, clad in an old styled swimsuit, complete with the red and white stripes. It was so adorable.

"Ready, daring?" Alastor exclaimed as he placed a towel around the back of his neck. He couldn't stop his eyes from quickly roaming her body and her exposed skin.

Olivia flushed and brushed her hair back, "Y-yes, dearest." She suddenly felt very hot and it wasn't because of the warm summer day.

Alastor spun on his heel and left the bedroom, Olivia following closely. They put on sandals and headed towards the beach where everyone was already playing. Charlie and Vaggie were wading in the warm water while Angel was lounging on a beach blanket, wearing a flimsy bikini and large sunglasses.

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