Ch 16: Dancing Closer and Yet Still So Far

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Olivia walked to the bar after her song and ordered a cocktail. She felt fantastic after that performance. She looked to her left and saw three demons eyeing her up. She groaned and turned away. When her drink arrived, she grabbed it and walked over to one of the couches where Husker and James were sitting. Husker was passed out drunk, so she sat next to James. He smiled as she joined him.

"So how is this distraction going for you?"

Olivia smiled. "I'm having the time of my life here. I like May-Belle and this place."

James nodded. "I'm so happy to hear that." He placed his hand on hers.

Olivia looked at it before looking up at him.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you. You didn't deserve it. No one does. I hope he rots here in Hell forever." He slowly moved towards her.

Olivia froze for a moment before jumping up off the couch.

"Th-thank you, James. Now if you will excuse me, I need some air." She walked away before he could say anything. She headed towards the door and walked faster. She rushed out the door into the night air, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

"Enjoying yourself tonight?"

Olivia jumped and whipped her head to her left where Alastor was leaning against the wall.

"Gods, don't do that!" She walked over to him and smacked his arm.

Alastor chuckled. "I didn't do a thing but exist, my dear."

Olivia smiled and sat on the bench next to him. She sighed and looked up to the sky as she leaned back against the side of the barn. She closed her eyes as a gust of wind caressed her face. Alastor looked down at her and cocked his head. He hesitated a moment before walking to her other side to sit with her. The bench wasn't huge so his arm brushed against hers, her eyes opened and quickly glanced at him. She smiled and looked at her hands.

"So what are you doing out here?" Olivia looked up at him.

Alastor's grin widened. "As charming as May-Belle is, she can be a bit much. So I wanted to get some air." He looked down at her. "And yourself?"

Olivia looked back down at her hands and gripped the end of her dress.

"Oh, um. Long day, I guess." She glanced everywhere but at him.

Alastor cocked an eyebrow. He knew she was deflecting but thought better than to pressure an answer out of her, so he stayed silent.

They enjoyed the quiet of the night and each other's company until a couple of drunks burst through the door, making Olivia jump closer to Alastor, grabbing his arm. She quickly released it and looked up at him.

"Oh, sorry." She laughed nervously.

Alastor smiled. "It's alright, my dear." He looked at the drunk demons wander away before looking back at her. Her smile didn't full reach her eyes and had dark circles under them. He opened his mouth to say something when the door burst open again with Angel looking for her.

"There ya are, Doll! We've been looking for ya." He rushed over and grabbed her hand. He pulled her up and dragged her inside. He pushed her through the door before looking at Alastor.

"Let's go, Al! We got some dancing to do!"

Alastor's eye twitched before reluctantly getting up and following. Most of the group danced their hearts out for the rest of the night. Alastor noticed that Olivia avoided James as much as she could and watched him closely. Alastor stayed on the couch with a passed out Husker watching his friends dance with amusement. Thankfully, May-Belle left him alone for most of the night. It was getting close to the end of the night when Olivia broke off from the group to get one last drink. May-Belle had a seat next to Alastor, shoving Husker aside.

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